Her Major Achievements

Born in 1938 in Kazimya

Established Private Religious Schools for Girls in Kazimya and Najf

Worked as Principle for the two Zahra Schools

Contributing Editor to al-Adwa' Journal

Leading Muslim Activist amongst Women

Rallied people for Safar Uprising in 1977

Amass people for release of her brother from jail in 1979

Resided with Imam Sadr during his house-arrest

Executed with her brother in April 8, 1980


Contribution of Amina Sadr

Bint al-Huda

Novels by Bint al-Huda

  • Emraatan wa Rajul (Two Women and a Man)

  • Liqa' fi al-Mustashfa (Meeting in a Hospital)

  • Al-Fadilah Tantasir

  • Al-Khala al-Dha'ah (The Lost Aunt)

  • Laitani kunto A'lam (I wish I Knew)

  • Al-Bahitha 'an al-Haqiqa (Searching for the Truth)

  • Muthakarat fi al_Hajj (Hajj Journal)

  • Kalima wa Da'wa (A Ward and a Mission)

  • Butolat al-Mar'a al-Muslima (Heroin of Muslim Women)

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 Important Women in Islam
 Martyr Bint al-Huda

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