Middle-Wing Conspiracy (MWC) is a fact-based essay on current events. Issue 1 of Volume 6 is dedicated to the fact that I think Mark Russell is a hoot. I realize this is not a particularly attractive quality, but I just can't help it. Previous issues are available here. Request a lovely gift subscription for yourself or others by sending an email to mwc8962@yahoo.com.

Volume 6, Issue 1
January 28, 2003

(Please to be singing out loud for maximum effect.)

Hush little one, let your crying abate
George's gonna tell you 'bout the union's state.

It's time to reward George's rich friends
So George is gonna cut the tax on dividends.

If the tax burden is still too high,
George'll waive estate taxes when they die.

If that won't th'economy stimulate
George's gonna cut the top tax rate.

And if the benefits don't trickle down to you and me
George'll make more tax loopholes for big SUVs.

If that doesn't help the poor get rich
George is gonna tell them "Life's a [expletive]."

Once the economy is solved
George'll ask the UN to resolve

that it's time to get tougher with Saddam
Before Uday convinces him to drop the bomb.

If George is rebuffed by the Secretary General
We'll prob'ly hear him try to say "multilateral."

The gulf between countries will get wider
When George tries to convince them Hussein's behind al-Qaeda.

"Listen," George'll tell the Security Council,
"He's got weapons biological and chemical."

George will say, "This ain't just melodrama
"I know Saddam's been in touch with Osama"

"You've got to believe me - look at these
"Incriminating photos of Tariq Aziz."

"Hussein's just up to his old tricks
"It's not too hard to hide stuff from Hans Blix."

"It's time to go to war now, I need you, Kofi
"Daddy wants Saddam's head as a trophy."

And if the UN won't change their stance
George'll take it out on Germany and France.

So Americans will die on Iraqi soil
But think how low we'll keep the price of oil.

At the other end of the Axis of Evil
Sits a happy man named Kim Jong-Il,

because we told him we won't hit him with attacks.
George says his mass destruction weapons - are different from Iraq's.

For his starving people he asks not a crumb
He'll settle for our enriched uranium.

So as he plans his march on Seoul,
Kim Dae Jung tells George "You're an ***hole!"

Back home there's a rise in apprehension
As people start to voice their dissension:

"It's your fault for driving an SUV"
said Huffington (Arianna) from her Gulfstream V.

But domestic security is up a smidge
With two hundred thousand people working for Tom Ridge.

You can see it at the airport where the TSA
Finds nearly 1 in 3 guns with the X-ray.

Beltless and shoeless we wander the gates
Wondering if our pilot's drinking beer by the case.

No nail clippers allowed on board, of course
But buy a fountain pen while you shop the concourse.

You're even safe once you get home
Feel free to go downtown and roam.

Because on every corner there are cameras aloft
"I'm really not Big Brother" says John Ashcroft.

So the state of the union is quite good
Now you feel much better like I knew you would.

So hush little one now, don't be sad
Maybe George'll get just 1 term like his dad.