Middle-Wing Conspiracy (MWC) is a fact-based essay on current events.
Issue 3 is brought to you by our new hosts, nandomail and geocities,
and by the idea that not even human life is sacred. At least, not
when it's people you don't know. Previous issues are now available at
Volume 2, Issue 3
May 7, 1999
In the news over the last several weeks, Slobodan Milosevic created
several dozen tornadoes and let them loose in the heartland of
America, killing 44 people in Oklahoma and Kansas and 14 Columbine
High School students. State Department officials are "concerned," but
the Pentagon intends to continue its plan to destroy the Serbian air
defense systems by crashing into them with Stealth bombers and Apache
helicopters. Meanwhile, peace talks are scheduled to continue until
the former Yugoslavia consists of one country for each person who
lives there.
In Littleton, blame has been spread widely. Some criticize Eric
Harris' appearance on the "I'm Going to Shoot Up My High School"
episode of Jerry Springer. Others blame Charlton Heston and the
NRA's "Triggers for Teens" program with its informational booklet,
"How to Protect Yourself by Shooting Up your High School Before
Someone Else Does." Further criticism was aimed at the NRA after
it issued its policy statement supporting the use of pipe bombs as
a "legitimate hunting technique." Fashion magazine Seventeen was
shouldering some of the blame until people noticed the subtitle on
the magazine's feature article last month, which showcased emaciated
model Kate Moss -- "How to Shoot Up *At* Your High School (Heroin
Chic: The Smack is Back)."
Political response has been varied. Conservative Colorado Governor
Bill Owens, who campaigned in 1998 on a platform that (this is true)
advocated less stringent handgun laws, for some reason recently
decided against signing bills that would let just about anyone carry a
concealed weapon. On the other side of the spectrum, liberal Senator
Ted Kennedy (D-MA) said after a visit to Columbine High School, quote,
"The, er, people who did this need, er, help."
Media coverage in the wake of the tragedy has been sober and
thoughtful, as magazines and television programs rush to address the
needs of teenagers. Newsweek's particularly insightful cover
article, "Why Your Teen Is Going to Kill You," is considered an early
front-runner for a Pulitzer Prize next year, although some have
criticized the endorsement by U.S. News and World Report of Senator
Trent Lott's plan to send each 14- to 18-year-old American boy into
Kosovo as a ground troop.
That's the news. Now, the rest of the story.
The MWC staff is alive and well despite its recent foray into our
nation's health-care system. Here is an actual accounting of the
events of a few weeks ago:
1500 - Begin experiencing sore throat pain while winning money at golf
from alert reader Uncle Wally and non-MWC-readers Kevin and Mike.
Write off sore throat as sympathy pains for all the choking the other
golfers are doing.
2000 - Assauge pain with aspirin/caffeine/alcohol combination.
2300 - Experience return of pain, which is apparently quite angry it was
sent away in the first place.
Every 20 minutes - Spit into cup to avoid pain of swallowing.
Every 60 minutes - Watch first 5 minutes of Tae-Bo infomercial.
Every 2 hours - Spray with Chloraseptic in futile attempt to assauge pain.
Every 4 hours - Ingest half of the maximum daily dose of OTC
painkiller. Rotate among aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen so as
to avoid exceeding maximum daily dose of any one analgesic. Receive
thanks from liver. All other times - Wallow. Practice moaning.
Repeat as necessary.
0300 - Feel hypocritical for wanting to try gargling salt water after
years of making fun of friends for gargling salt water.
0301 - Get over it; gargle salt water. Note that gag reflex still
0330 - Watch Tae-Bo infomercial
0400 - Wallow until 0700.
0700 - Call Primary Care Physician's number. Hear from answering
service, "The office opens at 9:00."
0900 - Call PCP. ("They'll be in at 9:30.") Moan for 30 min.
0930 - Call PCP. ("They'll be in at 10:15.") Cry for 45 min.
1015 - Call PCP. ("They'll be in at 11:00.") Wallow for 45 min.
1100 - Call PCP. ("You have reached the office of Dr. Helen Gitlevich.
Please leave a message.") Curse for 30 min.
1130 - Call PCP. Speak to live person who speaks only Polish. Or
possibly Czech. Not that the distinction matters. Discover that PCP
is on vacation for 1 week. Get hung up on.
1131 - Begin forming plans to shoot up former high school.
1135 - Call HMO. Discover concept of "covering physician." Wonder
why PCP's office did not mention covering physician. Receive no
1140 - Call PCP. Wonder aloud why PCP's office did not mention covering physician. Receive no reply. Discover covering physician's
name (Dr. Peterson). Wait on hold for phone number for 7 (seven)
minutes. Receive phone number.
1147 - Call Dr. Peterson. Discover Dr. Peterson is Dr. Pearson.
1230 - Drive 40 minutes to doctor's office. Try not to spit on self.
1310 - Start to fill out forms.
1340 - Complete forms.
1345 - Get weighed.
1346 - Throat culture.
1347 - Note that gag reflex still works.
1400 - Receive prescription for antibiotics
1409 - Fill prescription at Wal-Mart. Note to alert reader Greg
Freeman: No Krogers in area.
1430 - Drive 40 minutes home. (Side note - Do you ever go out on the
roads in midmorning or midafternoon? Where do all these [bad word]
people come from, why don't they have jobs, and if they're not going
to be doing anything useful, couldn't they at least stay home and
watch Oprah? We love mankind, but people are really [bad word] us off
these days.)
1510 - Take first dose. Await sweet, blessed relief. Continue
awaiting sweet, blessed relief for 6 hours.
2100 - Achieve sweet blessed relief. Make offering to Cosmas and his
twin brother Damian, the patron saints of chemical manufacturers.
Want to be a part of the miracle of modern pharmaceuticals? The
industry needs your help. Every dollar counts, so send
your checks today to CosmasAndDamian@MWC.org, and our crack staff
will see that the money gets distributed amongst the needy.