Spoo's Spirit Stick Collection

When you enter the Site Fights you get this silly little thing called a spirit stick! It's a symbol of the spirit we share at the Site Fights and a symbol of friendship. You usually get the stick first from the DPatrol Deputy that has checked out your site and approved it for fighting. After that spirit sticks are flying all over the place!
Here, take this spirit stick and pass it on to your friends and fellow fighters!

The spirit is a beautiful thing, and so is the spirit stick! Check 'em out!
There's one for every kind of person!! *S*

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Which spirit stick suits YOUR personality?

If any of these spirit sticks are private property or if you know who created it, please email me.

This is the original, universal spirit stick.
The official spirit stick of the STARFIGHTERS.
A nice icyblue stick.
Really magical looking, isn't it?

There's MORE. See the 2nd page of spirit sticks.

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