Home Page Image
Picture of Their Graces from the reign of Cuan V and Padraigin II


By some chance, you good gentle, have found your way to the home page for the SCA household of Their Graces Duke Cuan MacDaige & Duchess Padraigin O'hEachach located in the Kingdom of Atlantia. Please feel free to browse the site and get to know us a little better.

Most of the members of the household live in the Kingdom of Atlantia. They reside within the baronies of Windmaster's Hill, Ponte Alto and Hidden Mountain.


Special thanks to Aaron for creating the fav.icon that appears in the url listing and to Sam (Mooselodge webminister) for her designs on some of the household's devices. And finally, in order to see the drop down menus on this site, you must enable java.The website is currently undergoing some revision, please bear with us while the site is in flux.

Last upated: August 16, 2007