Student Congress is a fantastic, exciting and growing event in schools across America. Congress is the only high school speech event that mirrors directly an actual activity in adult society. Speaking skills are valued in general but the skills of using parliamentary procedure are specifically valued in virtually all Boards of Education, city councils, professional gatherings, legislative groups, etc.
Student Congress give students the skills and experiences that are valued by employers. The ability to speak on a variety of issues in a brief, clear manner can be priceless in organizational meetings.
Congressional Debate also helps a person understand current events and how to explain them. Unlike the extemporaneous speaking events which divide affairs artificially into domestic and foreign issues, Congress is where issues demand attention from any and all fields...there are no limits in the issues addressed by Student Congress.
Policy and Lincoln-Douglas debate force you to "play games" by advocating positions you do not personally hold. Student Congress allows a person to stand up for what she or he believes. A delegate is never asked to defend a position they don't personally hold. An added bonus is the constantly shifting topics. In other debate you are "stuck" with a topic for months, or even a year, but in Congressional Debate the topic shifts every hour or so.
Student Congress is unique in that it actually
seeks to persuade the other contestants. In other debates
the goal is never to convince your opponent. Individual
events such as Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation
and Extemporaneous speaking rarely make a change in the listener's
thinking. The goal of Congress is to move people to vote
your way. If successful you actually can gage the changes
in other delegates by their votes!