The covenant
The scriptures
The writings
The Unchanging Book that Changes ... something or someone.
The incarnate word = Jesus
The inscripturated word = the Bible is the record of Jesus Christ.
James 1:18 the inerrant word = true word gives as birth just like lust gives birth to sin in v15
v21 It is the implanted word growing anew. Not grafted in becoming part of something else
Eph 6:17 The word is like a sword -- cut's
Jer 23:29 like a fire -- consumes
like a hammer -- breaks rocks
Matt 13:19
1Cor 15:36,37
1Pet 1:23
James 2:8 the word is called the royal law
Rom 7:23-25 We are either under the law of God or the law of sin
James 2:23 the word is called scripture
Luke 24:27 the scriptures plural
James 2:23 the scripture says; "says" is in the present;
and it even continues to say it now in the present
Scripture settles all disputes
when the Bible says something, because God said it, that is the end
of dispute.