IN Yourselves:
Dare to Believe
by Cathy Vinson |
What sort of
knowing in an inner person joyfully accepts the plundering of one's goods (vs 34)? What
sort of knowing reaches out to the angry, or faces anew personal areas previously of
defeat? What sort of worth and value is placed on what is within to step far and wide of
comfort? It must
be a knowing what is within is undefeatable, incorruptible, and will last forever.
Oh, how we need to know that IN ourselves is such greatness, not in us, but in a Person!
Dare we believe? "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" (1
John 4:4). What a scandalous faith has been granted us from the beginning! The Father
purposely chose the time in which the baby Jesus would lie in a dingy manger under the
ominous shadow of King Herod's magnificent 45-acre hilltop palace. Jesus' stable,
Bethlehem, with the surrounding countryside, all loomed in its shadow. All human
activities in its reach were done under its reminder, its oppression. Yet "Jesus was
born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king..." (Mt 2:1). What is God
Dare we believe as the shepherds and wisemen and risk all in the face of the tyrant king
to worship a tiny baby who is the true King? Since the beginning, God has chosen that our
believing must be this way, a dare. Can we?
"I am able to do all things through Christ who gives me strength" (Phil 4:13).
"Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col 1:27). Dare we then rise up knowing all
the world's evil thrown our way is not new to our day; it overshadowed the very birth of
Jesus. Let us have that same "knowing in ourselves" we can and will overcome the
challenges of our own evil day and that to come.
In our tiny heart is the One who causes such confidence. Today. Dare. We must.