Worlds Spinning Round Forum

Questions, Answers, Comments, Responses

Always Under Construction - Please send questions and comments to:

Part 1: Discoveries - now available

“You can peel an onion in one of two ways: pull off all the layers and find there’s nothing inside or, realizing that the peelings themselves are valuable, make use of each piece as it is removed. You may discover that each layer itself contains infinitely many parts, and that there are infinitely many layers. Besides, this may not be an onion, and it may have something valuable in the center. So let’s start peeling.”

The adventure begins.

Challenge question: On what date (month and day) and day of the week was Mike sleeping on the bench?

Part 2: Decisions - in process

Part 3: Destinations - planning stage

Last updated 6/7/2005 - 4/12/2006

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