In this page you will find links
to sites where you can learn more about the beautiful island of
Puerto Rico. Many of these sites provide links to others that
are equally valuable.
Learn about the map, flag, geography, people, government, economy,
transportation, communication and defense of Puerto Rico.
Magaly Rivera has designed an informative and well-organized page about Puerto Rico. Here you will find information about geography, history, government, economy, tourism and it also includes a tour exploring the island.
Definición de las tres fórmulas
Excellent article that reviews the three different political formulas
that are under discussion in Puerto Rico. They will be exposed
in a plebiscite again on November of 1998.
Travel to the past and learn about the Taino Indians and their
lifestyle. In many galleries you will see collars, duhos, cemi,
vases and many other utensils that show their art.
Mayaguez y otros pueblos de Puerto Rico
This site provides general information about this beautiful city
in the west of Puerto Rico. From this site you can link to others
where you will find learn from many of the other 78 municipalities
in the island.
This is a beautiful and educational web site where Mr. Luciano Quiñones, famous composer of this gender of music, explains its origins. Biographies of the must famous composers and the music of their "danzas" (sound and letter) can be found on this page along with interesting topics such as the language of "el abanico" (fan) and how to dance this music.
The following is a list of the universities in Puerto Rico. Each one contains a detailed explanation of the programs they offer.
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Ponce Campus
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Metropolitan Campus