This Ain't Your Momma's Religion!
Christ's gospel was so shocking to the Jews of his day, that even his own family thought he was 'disturbed' and they once tried to take him into custody (Mk. 3:21, 31-35). His mother and brothers were not persecuted by the Pharisee-controlled government, but he was crucified. The difference between his message and what the Jews were expecting then, is no greater than the difference between his message and what is being taught in churches today. If the "religious authorities" responded then, to Christ's gospel with, "This ain't your momma's religion", they could say the same thing to him today.
What do you think 'religion' is? Sunday mornings . . .dressing up . . . hard seats . . . a 15-minute spiel that doesn't say much (although it feels like it took forever to end) but maybe it makes you feel somehow 'righteous' because you endured it . . . smiles . . . shaking hands with the preacher (a sanctimonious twit who cut you off in traffic last week and who makes church activity assignments based on local church politics) . . .or a distinguished gent in fancy robes (whom you never leave alone with the choir boys?) . . . hymns that sound like funeral music . . . or 'praise music' (rock and roll with 'the Lard' substituting for sex and drugs)?
When we were children it was a weekly exercise in make-believe. Just make-believe you're 'nice' for a hour or two and your parents can 'make-believe' the family is 'right with Gawd' for another week.
As long as you're comfortably fed and sheltered and clothed and enjoying some degree of material success and have your emotional needs met by friends and family, you and the preacher can say, "Praise Gawd for his blessings". But when things go terribly wrong--accidents, disease, disaster, deaths--then the best you get is "Gawd works in mysterious ways.". . . ?!?!
It seems that when the cow patty hits the fan, the institutional `Gawd Squad' haven't a clue! Even if your life is not crashing at the moment, try asking, "What is the purpose of life?", and see if you can get a coherent answer that has anything to do with the reality you wake up to each day.
Not happy with your religion? Try another,... or another, ...or another. At last count, there were 33,800 brand names and generic names of Christianity alone. Or choose something totally 'off the wall'. Lie on the floor and giggle uncontrollably, or handle snakes, or chant to yourself, or worship the 'Dark Side' (pagans and witches are 'cool' now).
Some choose to pretend it makes sense (well maybe some of it anyway) and 'this is just the way its always been.' 'It was good enough for my momma and it's good enough for me!' Others find it all discouraging and wonder where to even begin to look for answers that actually make sense.
Finding answers (real ones, ones that will make a difference to you, with your problems and in your life) requires asking questions, tough questions.
Most preachers will try to answer your questions. If they attended seminary they covered the most common questions in class (assuming they were sober and present that day, after all, it is college). Doctrinal questions will get the best response as they will have a 'cheat-sheet' listing the points, arguments and 'proof' scriptures or 'authoritative church policy' on the matter. They could just give you the 'sheet' but then you would wonder what they are getting paid for and you might start asking yourself some questions which they and their employers would rather that you did not answer.
Some of them are 'sincere', for whatever that's worth (and we know there are some 'nice folks' out there trying to help and sometimes they do, but look at the minuscule results on a national or international scale).
If sincerity counted, then we would have to allow some credit for dedicated criminals, sincere loonies, heartfelt terrorism, speaking of which, Catholics of the Inquisition were totally sincere in torturing the victim du jour, until death or confession of the accusation du jour upon which they killed him/her anyway to prevent recidivism.
The Catholic Church (actually the men running it) made some profitable and effective management decisions (see "Dark Ages") which led some of its brighter followers to start asking questions (see "Martin Luther). For the most part the RCC had effective ways of dealing with 'trouble-makers' with its severance package including 'termination with extreme prejudice' whenever they could arrange it (see "Foxe's Book of Martyrs").
Nevertheless, the questions continued, resulting in the present existence of all the 'Protestant' descendants of the 'Mother Church'.
If you think your neighborhood 'mainstream' church has nothing in common with the RCC, think again. Look up "Sunday" in the Catholic Encyclopedia (found in most public and university libraries and on the web) and read how 'there is no basis for worshiping on the first day of the week (Sunday) other than the authority of the (Roman Catholic) Church.' In other words, there is no reason to worship on Sunday other than to acknowledge the authority of the Catholic administration. Look up the instructions in scripture. It says 'work six days (which would include Sunday) and on the seventh (Saturday, the "Sabbath") you shall rest (literally 'cease' from labor)'. The "Church" however decided that, , from a marketing standpoint, Sunday would be a better choice (see "church history").
Do your neighborhood religions have anything to do with your daily 'reality'? If they don't, perhaps you should ask, "Is there any similarity between what the Bible actually says and what your favorite religion (the preacher's version) says it means.
If you haven't compared The Book to the local production company's interpretation then brace yourself. Any similarity between what The Book says and what's going on at the local religion retailer is purely coincidental.
What you will find is that the 'religion' described in the inspired 'instruction manual' is not 'your momma's religion'.
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