A Parable of King Bubba and the Law

Is Knowledge of God's Law Sufficient for One to Serve Others Effectively?

This is a parable of a future king and his first days in office, teaching the survivors of the Tribulation. Let's time warp ourselves into the future and see how he's doing. Star Date: 2000 something point something something to be exact. The location, a new city outside Jerusalem.

Five families have been gathered out of the ruins and prison camps and brought here where they will be taught a new way of life under Christ the King, with the help of Bubba, one of the Firstfruits, now ruling with Christ and assisted by some of the angels.
We note that Bubba hasn't received his new name yet, as the development and implementation of the new language was assigned to a committee (an experienced group of course) and the new language isn't expected to be resolved until the 1000 years is finished. [Remember this is a fictional account, In real life, God doesn't use committees as evidenced by creation taking only seven days to complete. ;-) ]

Where "two or three gather in my name" the first question is, "What have we got to eat?"

"Food!", the people plead.

"No problem.", responds Bubba, and, pointing his finger at an open space, speaks, saying,
"Let there be food!" Zaaaaaaaaaaaaappppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

KAAAAAAAAABBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!! The place were he pointed is engulfed in fire and smoke.

"Oops...wrong finger." mutters Bubba, as the families flee, terrified that the tribulation is continuing.

(Let's fast forward a few nanosecs)

Chuckling to themselves about "QuickDraw McBubba", the angels have regathered the families, assuring them that Bubba is, indeed, a member of God's family and that he means well, it's just that he's new at this and is still learning.

Bubba has finished labeling his fingers, especially THAT finger, and thinks to himself, " Gotta remember not to pick my nose with THAT ONE!"

Meanwhile an angel has brought a fish from the nearby stream and stands silently by, looking meaningfully at Bubba, who suddenly understands, "OH YEAH!, I remember now, just start dividing up the fish and passing it out." And so the families are finally fed.

Now lunch being ended, the people gathered unto Bubba saying, "Teach us of the way wherein we should go."

And Bubba begins reciting the 10 Commandments, but the people interrupt, "saying no, no, we mean where should we GO?
In the woods?, in the river?, you know, no.1, no.2???"

"What am I supposed to do with this shovel?"

"Does anyone have any toilet paper?"

"Whatdyamean, leaves and grass?"

"But I don't KNOW what poison ivy looks like!!!"

Eventually, the people return and for lack of alternative, come again unto Bubba, who offers them fish snacks and begins teaching. He recites the 10 commandments, gives a few practical applications with references to the New Testament and tells of his personal experiences working at Emulsified Iron Works back in Desmog, Mich., in the years B.K. (Before the Kingdom). He waxes eloquent quoting scripture after scripture, mentioning some alternate translations and even explaining the significance of a few of the original Greek words as some nod off into sleep, and the angels fidget restlessly.

Realizing that perhaps four hours may have been a bit long for the first sermon, he leads a closing song and declares services over.

And the people rise up and again ask Bubba, saying, "Teach us, how shall we live.?"

Bubba hesitates, and a large woman roars, "And don't go startin' no more sermonizing, we're talkin' 'bout housing and schools and government assistance,.. and I mean right-now! It's a-gettin' dark and this air feels damp where are we gonna sleep tonight? Huh?"

Bubba glances down at his fingers and the crowd takes two quick steps backwards as the angels rise up. Realizing that none of his digits are labeled for condos or "projects", he remembers something about "booths". So Bubba and the angels explain the significance of "booths" or temporary dwellings as they help the people construct shelters made of any available materials.

The shelters completed and assigned, the families consume the leftover fish, after which they again approach Bubba, saying, "Tell us how we shall live!"

And the first asked, "Are we gonna have fish ALL the time? Isn't there anything else?"

And the (ex) truckdriver asked, "That fish was mighty good! In fact after all I ate, I done split my britches. Where can I get another pair? Does anyone here know how to mend clothes?"

And the (ex) soldier asked, "Shall we dig slit trenches, Sir? Or shall we continue to go in the woods? The angel told us to not go in or near the river because of the folks drinking out of it downstream. And what about health problems? I was exposed to a lot of stuff during the wars."

And the (ex) bookkeeper asked, "What are we supposed to do with these seeds? None of us are farmers. How long does it take this stuff to grow? Can I just plant the tomatoes and peppers together? What about the squash and cucumbers? Which ways do the rows go? Can I plant all this in the shade, I'm allergic to sunlight."

And the lawyer (We told you this was just a parable. :-)). The lawyer asks, "Why do we have to live in huts? It's too small! And it faces east! I don't want the sun waking me up in the morning, I socialize with rich clients late at night. I don't want to live in a neighborhood with truck drivers! And the breeze is blowing the artist's trash into my yard. What ARE we supposed to do with the trash? We need to get some zoning laws passed."

And the (ex) merchant asked, "Can I take the extra food and open a market? Will I need a permit? What's the difference between tithes and taxes? What are the commercial laws now? What's minimum wage here? Will there be food inspectors? I want price protection so my inflated prices can't be undercut. And I want a tariff on anything brought here from anywhere else."

And a mother asked, "What about quality preschool education and immunization? My little 'Thurston' deserves a quality first grade, enriched Pre-Med Program with the newest methodology of addition and subtraction and don't even think of suggesting outcome based education to me. And we'll want gymnastics and modeling for our precious "Tiffany Ivana" and of course an European Cultural Exchange Option....."

An angel interrupts her to whisper something in her ear.

Wide-eyed, she asks, "Home schooling? What's THAT?"

And the lawyer begins to strut back and forth, saying to Bubba, "This just isn't going well at all! Do you know what you're doing? Have you ever actually done this before? I don't see any degrees or licenses! This appears to be malpractice or illegal practice."

Turning to the others he proclaims, "I think we have a case of professional incompetency resulting in psychological pain and suffering! I see a class action suit!, (a condo for me), housing for everyone!, (huge fees for me) cash for everyone!

Turning back to Bubba, the lawyer threatens, "My clients have their constitutional rights, you know!" "Or we could just skip the legal proceedings and cut right to the settlement!" "Waddayasay?"

Bubba slowly raises the hand with THAT finger and the angels leap on him, knocking his arm upwards............................... ZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A bolt of lightening arcs across the encampment.............KKAAAAAAAAAABBBOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!

The lawyer ducks as the firebolt grazes the top of his head, vaporizing his hairpiece and igniting his bushy eyebrows into flames. The lawyer begins violently beating with his hands, trying to put out the brushfire on his forehead.

The others, frightened by the sudden fireworks and noise, now erupt into nervous laughter at the irony of the attorney vigorously slapping himself in the face.

The trucker drawls, "Reckon counselor has been overruled."

The angels wrestle with Bubba who yelling, "I'll zap 'em all and resurrect 'em a few times, maybe that'll get their attention!"

"Bubba, Bubba....Bubba..WAKE UP!", Mama yells. "Bubba, what ARE you dreaming about?" "Quit fighting the covers so!

Bubba realizes he's home, in bed,...it was just a dream.

"Mama, you and me is going to the library tomorrow to do some reading!"

"About what, Bubba?"

"Lots of stuff, gardening, homebuilding, home-schooling, community planning, teaching, motivating people,...lots of stuff."

"But I thought you wanted to go to a ballgame tomorrow, Bubba?"

"Yeah, I did," he replied, looking at his finger and smiling, "But I want to find out about the effects of being struck by lightning."

"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge:" Hosea 4:6

"The word of God is the foundation of all knowledge." (Inscription at Ambassador College.)

"If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man that has so much as to be out of danger?"
....Thomas Henry Huxley, l825-1895, English Biologist.

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman (teacher) that needs not to be
" 2 Tim.2:15.

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