Introduction to The Calendar Articles
After observing the holy day festivals of Leviticus 23, for over 25 years, we were suddenly challenged by some of our own fellowship, including ministers, as to whether this observance was required or not and how should those dates be determined. This required us to actually study the scriptures on our own, do research in a library, meditate on what we were reading and, most importantly forced us to go to God in frequent and fervent prayer for the correct understanding of what we read.
Those who challenged our beliefs had recognized contradictions and weaknesses in the arguments used to support what we had believed. Part of our beliefs had been based upon what others had told us and not upon what the scriptures actually say. However, our challengers were presenting arguments which were "new" to them and which they had apparently accepted from others without question. These "new" arguments had been around for centuries and we had personally disproven them long ago. It did not take long to reexamine them again and find that they were still contradicted by scripture.
Still, we had to find the truth. This subject seemed to at least confuse if not overwhelm most of our friends who considered it. Ministers discouraged personal study and offered an easy way out, just "trust" them to tell us the truth. But that's how we got here in the first place. That's how our challengers traded one set of wrong beliefs for another, containing even less truth.
We tried to approach the subject using scripture only. We tried approaching it from the standpoint of astronomy, as God created everything including the "signs" for the "years and seasons" and declared it "good". We also approached it from secular and Jewish history including Jewish "traditions".
We were amazed at how easy it was to find answers to our questions. Looking back, the "confusion" is not in astronomy. Astronomy is a detailed look at God's amazing creation and reflects his greatness, his brilliance of mind, and it reflects the great love he has for us by creating and sustaining the universe.
The "confusion" is not in Jewish history. Like any history there are some conflicting details, but when viewed overall, it is not hard to understand.
The "confusion" is not in what the scriptures say or do not say.
The "confusion" is in humanly devised doctrines and opinions. It is in articles which are designed only to persuade, not to inform. It is in misleading, incomplete or false statements. We finally left our former fellowship when the new minister said from the pulpit, that it is okay to lie, if it is done for the right reason.
The following articles on the Jewish calender, God's feast days, and related subjects simply reflect the notes we made for ourselves during our study and research since 1995. While some source material is repeated among the articles, each article takes a different approach to the subject and each contains material or discussion not covered in the other articles.
We pray that they will be of help to you in your own search for truth.
Copyright M.H. and G.H. 2001. All rights reserved.