The Schedule of God's Feast Days
The schedules shown below are based upon Scripture and current, actual "astronomical" cycles of the equinox and lunar conjunctions, in other words, based upon God's "signs" of Gen. 1.
Click here to view the "astronomically based" schedule as compared to the Jewish calculated calendar, and to the calendar of the churches of God which are both based on "ecclesiastical" equinoxes and conjunctions rather than actual equinoxes and conjunctions.
The calendar on your wall gives dates of "solar days" which begin and end at midnight. The feasts are found by counting "lunar days". The scriptural "day" begins and ends at sunset at your location as shown in Gen. 1. In other words, while your wall calendar dates begin and end at midnight, the feast days are observed beginning at sunset of the previous Roman day. When a feast day is shown as April 9th, it begins at sunset on the 8th and ends at sunset on the 9th.
The astronomical data below is taken from the US Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications web site at This site also provides tables of times of sunsets. When an astronomical event occurs near sunset or when a time zone adjustment crosses a sunset, these tables are helpful in determining which scriptural day is involved. When an event occurs near midnight or when a time zone adjustment crosses midnight then it affects the Roman day shown on your wall calendar.We have also shown the dates of equinox, conjunction and first day of the lunar month because the feast days are measured from these days.
Note: Dates may vary according to your location. Astronomical events are given by USNOAA in Universal Time which is the time zone of Greenwich, England. Remember to adjust times for your time zone.
Spring Equinox: Mar. 21, 12:07 am, Universal Ttme
Nearest conjunction: Mar. 19, 2:43 am, UT
First illuminated crescent: Mar. 20, 1% illum.
Passover, (sunset 14/15th of lunar month): sunset, Apr. 2.
Days of Unleavened Bread (15-21st of lunar month): Apr. 3-9.
Second day of UB (to begin counting 50 days to Pentecost): Apr. 4.
Feast of Weeks or Pentecost: May 23.
Conjunction of 7th month: Sept. 11, 12:44 pm, UT
First illuminated crescent: Sept. 13, 2% illum., 1st day of 7th month.
Feast of Trumpets (1st day of 7th month): Sept. 13.
Feast of Atonement (10th day of 7th month): Sept. 22.
Feast of Tabernacles (15-21st of 7th month): Sept. 27-Oct. 3
"Last Great Day" (of the Feast, the 8th day = 22nd of 7th month): Oct. 4.
Spring Equinox: Mar. 20, 5:48 am, UT
Nearest conjunction: Mar. 7, 5:14 pm, UT
First illuminated crescent: Mar. 9, 2% illum.
Passover, (sunset 14/15th of lunar month): sunset, Mar. 22
Days of Unleavened Bread (15-21st of lunar month): Mar. 23-29
Second day of UB (to begin counting 50 days to Pentecost): Mar. 24
Feast of Weeks or Pentecost: May 12
Conjunction of 7th month: Aug. 30, 7:58 pm, UT
First illuminated crescent: Sept. 1, 2% illum., 1st day of 7th month.
Feast of Trumpets (1st day of 7th month): Sept. 1
Feast of Atonement (10th day of 7th month): Sept. 10
Feast of Tabernacles (15-21st of 7th month): Sept. 15-21
"Last Great Day" (of the Feast, the 8th day = 22nd of 7th month): Sept. 22
Spring Equinox: Mar. 20, 11:44 am, UT
Nearest conjunction: Mar. 26, 4:06 pm, UT
First illuminated crescent: Mar. 28, 2%
Passover, (sunset 14/15th of lunar month): sunset, Apr. 10
Days of Unleavened Bread (15-21st of lunar month): Apr. 11-17
Second day of UB (to begin counting 50 days to Pentecost): Apr. 12
Feast of Weeks or Pentecost: May 31
Conjunction of 7th month: Sept. 18, 6:44 pm, UT
First illuminated crescent: Sept. 20, 2% illum., 1st day of 7th month.
Feast of Trumpets (1st day of 7th month): Sept. 20
Feast of Atonement (10th day of 7th month): Sept. 29
Feast of Tabernacles (15-21st of 7th month): Oct. 4 - 10
"Last Great Day" (of the Feast, the 8th day = 22nd of 7th month): Oct. 11
Spring Equinox: Mar. 20, 5:32 pm, UT
Nearest conjunction: Mar. 15, 9:01 pm, UT
First illuminated crescent: Mar. 17, 1% illum.
Passover, (sunset 14/15th of lunar month): sunset, Mar. 30
Days of Unleavened Bread (15-21st of lunar month): Mar. 31-Apr. 6
Second day of UB (to begin counting 50 days to Pentecost): Apr. 1
Feast of Weeks or Pentecost: May 20
Conjunction of 7th month: Sept. 8, 10:30 am, UT
First illuminated crescent: Sept. 10, 4% illum., 1st day of 7th month.
Feast of Trumpets (1st day of 7th month): Sept. 10
Feast of Atonement (10th day of 7th month): Sept. 19
Feast of Tabernacles (15-21st of 7th month): Sept. 24-30
"Last Great Day" (of the Feast, the 8th day = 22nd of 7th month): Oct. 1