God Declares, "Judah and Israel, Dumber than Asses!"
Because of Abraham's faith and obedience, God fulfilled his promise by bringing his descendants, the nation of Israel, out of Egypt and into Palestine, a land "flowing with milk and honey". What should have been a pleasant experience was more like dragging a cantankerous jackass, kicking and braying, out of the barn and into the pasture. Once in the pasture, it's not unreasonable to hope that the animal will graze peacefully, respect the fences and will refrain from running off with other jackasses. The history of Israel, unified and later divided, is recorded in the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. It is not a history of pastoral serenity.
Israel, out of fear, refused to occupy the entire pasture. Pasture which isn't grazed or otherwise tended, reverts to brushy wilderness, encourages the presence of wild animals and will continually encroach on the remaining pasture. Wild livestock tend to corrupt domestic livestock rather than domestic stock having a positive influence on the wild stock. Stallions which rule herds of wild horses, if they have opportunity, will steal domesticated mares for their herds. In Palestine it was a matter of "asses". God spoke through Isaiah to tell Judah and Israel that, in his opinion, they were "dumber than asses or oxen" (Isa. 1:3). Today the term is simply, "dumb-ass".
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