Rumor-Mongering: A Conspiracy of Fear

Is there such thing as "responsible" rumor-mongering? How should one deal with rumors. Ignoring them is not always the best course. Should we be afraid? And if so, afraid of what?

Someone posted the following article on a religious forum. It sounds like frightening developments. Do we have reason to be concerned? Should we contact our representatives and senators? Is there someplace on the web we can protest? Should we pray and fast about this horrible infringement upon our religious freedoms?

Perhaps, we should first take a closer look.

. . . .[address omitted here] . . .
> No.260, Jan.31, 1999
> *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

> " TREASON " ORPM HR 2431
> FEDERAL BUREAU OF RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION: Representative Frank Wolf (R-Va) and twenty-six other Congressmen recently introduced HR 2431, setting up an "Office of Religious Persecution Monitoring" (ORPM)
> At the helm of the new ORPM will be a national "ORPM Director." This office is to be appointed by the President of the United States. The Director of the ORPM will operate under the administration and watchful eye of the United Nations. Once the ORPM Structure is established and in place, the United Nations will control all religious belief, practice, and worship on the face of the planet. This draconian bill...deceptively called the "Freedom from Religious Persecution Act" will move to outlaw Biblical Christianity. Powerful interest are behind this bill, including the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. The Jewish World Congress wants this bill passed! So does the ADL and the JDL.


Notice the date of the "News" article: "Jan. 31, 1999" [Note: this was posted on a forum in Feb. 1999]
Notice the statement above says, "recently introduced HR 2431"

This made it a little difficult finding the text of the bill, on the web, since the truth is that the bill was introduced by Rep. Wolf on Sept. 8, 1997.
Either the authors of the article didn't bother to look it up or they deliberately lied about it's being "recently introduced". Normally we give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but our experience in researching conspiracy theories and the materials promoting them, has forced us to question all their statements until we can verify the material through separate, independent sources.

But all that could have been just a typo, or unintentional error, . . . right?
And we're probably just overreacting . ., right?
And it's not just a conspiracy 'theory' since it's an actual bill,. . . . right?

Well, let's look at what the author of this scary email says is in the bill: (which is a lot, so if you've already read it, you can skip to the comments below) :)

Above the author of the email said:

1. the United Nations will control all religious belief, practice, and worship on the face of the planet.
2. This draconian bill . . . will move to outlaw Biblical Christianity

The author of the email continues, (numbers are ours):

3. > The following is a Sampling of the House Resolution HR 2431 itinerary and
4. > what it means to the total destruction of America and its Christian people.

5. > Approve or disapprove licenses for pastors, priests, teachers, evangelists,
> and other church employees throughout America

6. >CRI totally guts the First Amendment.

7. > Bring sanctions and penalties against individuals, churches and
> religious organizations that do not comply with federal guidelines.

8. > Establish national standards of acceptable religious practices (this totally
> abolishes the First and foremost Amendment to the United States Constitution
> upon which the entire structure of a Free America was founded)
9. > Punish individuals (anyone) and groups who commit hate crimes by asserting
> that "their" religion, "their" scriptures or deity is exclusive or superior
> to others

10. (I AM YAHWEH and their is no one above me will become ILLEGAL and > punishable by imprisonment. This means that no one, not even Yahweh Himself is > above the UN/US/ORPM.)

11. > Forbid persons from tithing or otherwise making financial contributions to
> churches or religious groups that are not on the government's approved list.

12. > Seize the bank accounts and property of individuals or organizations that
> engage in "unauthorized" religious activity

13. (Federal myrmidons will
> sweep through homes, farms, and properties, seizing everything and leaving
> YOU homeless without even a car.

14. This directly makes Biblical
> Christianity an imprisonable, criminal offense.

15. > Waco massacres will become commonplace.

16. This totally guts the Fourth Amendment.)

17. > Monitor newspapers, television, radio, mail, the Internet, and all
> other means of communications across America and the world.

18. > Target "spiritually defective" individuals who refuse ecumenical
> religious unity.

19. > Offenders will be referred for criminal prosecution under Hate
> creed acts (like RFRA) and international treaty obligations meaning that you
> must denounce your faith and swear to the United Nations Mystery Babylon
> Religion...or go to a prison labor camp.

20. This is treason-tyranny at
> its highest level, relegating the 6th and 10th Amendments to a U.N.
> Tribunal.

21. > Work closely with the FBI, BATF, IRS, CIA, Department of Justice,
> Treasury Department, and other religious organizations
[which?] are registered with ORPM
22. > (this necessarily and entirely dissolves state's rights and the United
> States Constitution),

23. and all sovereignty of the United States of America
24. > and its citizenry.

25. > Guarantee every American the freedom from dangerous and radical
> religious sects and cults (excepting ORPM exclusively).

Wow! Rather comprehensive in eliminating all religious freedom and all other rights! We will be hauled off to "UN labor camps", while "all our property is seized", we'll have no freedom of speech, and "Waco massacres will become commonplace"!
What are we to do?!?

Well, I guess we might take the time to actually read the bill. Not knowing exactly where to look since the author didn't bother to give a source location, it took us an hour to find it and read it. Partly because the writer says "recently introduced" which implies that it is still a "bill", not a "law".

Of course you may want to look it up under "P.L. 105-292" because it became Public Law NO. 105-292 on 10/27/98.
WHAT? You mean it's already a law? Have they started the roundups yet? Have my friends already been hauled off to labor camps by UN troops?

Well, if they have, it wasn't under HR 2431, PL 105-292. Read it yourself, and see if you can find *****ANY***** of the above actions described in the law. (See "Footnote" below.)

26. Another difficulty in finding the bill/law is that the author refers to it as "This draconian bill...deceptively called the "Freedom from Religious Persecution Act" . The truth is that it is called the "International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 ". But if the author had used the correct title, it would have revealed that the bill was already enacted and had been passed the year previous to his "urgent" post, and that it had to do with international relations not U.S. domestic affairs.

The first url we found in our search contains "". That's because the bill was developed for "international" purposes, not domestic ones. It authorizes economic sanctions against foreign countries which allow or encourage the persecution or killing of people for their religious beliefs. Read the minutes from the hearings on the bill. It's a discussion of many or all the religious atrocities committed(c.'96-'98) in the world. It's a rather sobering list. Many of them, we never heard about in the American news. Some of them we heard about just on the forums. Interestingly enough, we heard messages of concern about them on some of the same forums on which are posted frantic messages about this terrifying, "proposed" bill.

So how much risk do we American citizens face from this so-called "NWO/Babylon/prison camp/waco massacre" law?

>International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 - Declares it to be U.S. policy to: (1) condemn violations of religious freedom, and to promote, and to assist other governments in the promotion of, the fundamental right to freedom of religion; and (2) seek to channel U.S. security and development assistance to governments that are found not to be engaged in gross violations of the right to freedom of religion.

Well, if we (private citizens) are a "foreign government" then I guess we should be concerned.
(Of course "posse comitatus" groups, one of whom is linked at the end of the article, believe that all "state governments" are "foreign" to the U.S. Federal government, but that's another discussion. They base that on their assertion that U.S. citizens are really only subject to "English common law" and not subject to U.S. statutory law.)

Okay, what can the government do to punish violations of this law?

Well, according to sect. 402, it authorizes the President to take the following actions:
"(1) public condemnation;
(2) delay or cancellation of scientific and cultural exchanges;
(3) withdrawal, limitation, or suspension of U.S. development assistance and U.S. security assistance;
(4) instruction of U.S. executive directors of international financial institutions to vote against loans primarily benefiting the foreign government responsible for such violations;
(5) restrictions on the issuance of licenses to export any goods or technology to such foreign government;
(6) prohibition against the making, guaranteeing, or insuring of loans, or extension of credit by certain U.S. financial institutions to the violating government; and
(7) prohibition of U.S. Government procurement of goods or services from such government.
Provides for: (1) commensurate actions in substitution for any of the above presidential actions; and
(2) binding agreements with foreign governments obliging them to cease, or take substantial steps to address and phase out, the acts, policies, or practices constituting violations of religious freedom.

So it actually has no penalties for private citizens, or churches of the U.S. or of any other country! Anyone with a basic knowledge of how laws work, (for example a policeofficer) knows that any law that does not have a penalty, is meaningless and unenforceable. For any purpose beyond the specified penalty, it is still meaningless and unenforceable. Anyone who read this law or even just the penalty part, could see that about the only thing true in the scary email was the House Resolution number and the legislator who introduced it.

The "scary post" continues:
> For more information about this subject and many others concerning your
> welfare in the coming future, like the Y2K problem and who are behind these
> ungodly things, please contact:

Exactly how "godly" is it to attempt to scare people into buying tapes (see below) by using inflammatory speech, by gross exaggeration and by outright lying.
Is the material offered as bogus as the article above? If not, it's at least questionable because of association with this drivel.

. . . [address and phone number omitted here]

*********Here is the "sum of the matter", the "bottom line"":***************

> Single tape orders are $10.00 for each broadcast.
> But only $25.00 for four weekly taped broadcasts... mailed each week.
> Visa/Mastercard accepted

> Also listen to the
. . . [address omitted here] . . .

> Satellite Network; Satellite:


> Tune in and learn TRUTHS that you have been hidden from YOU !

"Truths" like the 26 specific lies presented above? You mean so-called "TRUTHS" fabricated to make a buck? We are not saying the author of this particular email authored the lies. Often in conspiracy circles, the lies are simply passed around as "facts". Some who are eager for such materials never question pro-conspiracy material, but are often quick to attack or question anyone who does challenge such material (see epilogue below).

Do you wonder why the article says "recently introduced"?
"Imminent legislation" is the "now" factor in the advertising formula of ("you, new, now, how"). People are less likely to be afraid of a law that has already been on the books for some time. People are less likely to be frightened into paying for "escape" information if the alleged threat is 'old news'.

The "scary post" continues:
> Click to subscribe to PosseComitatus

The scattered groups and individuals who use this term includes folks who preach: "arm yourselves", "defy all government", "learn how to file frivolous lawsuits against the government", "quit paying your taxes" and "do it all in the name of 'Christian righteousness'", "learn how to "code plead" the Bible to defy "all" government laws, including tax laws". "Get out of paying taxes, get even with the 'gummint', and earn righteousness points with God, all at the same time!"

Whatta deal! [Of course, sooner or later, you will have to "buy" something to stay "informed" and "to protect yourself" as we see above.]
We know a former personal friend who bought into all this. "Code pleading the Bible" didn't work. He was still fined for having no driver's license, no vehicle tags, and speeding, and he spent time in jail.
The more extreme in this movement, bomb buildings and kill government employees, like judges and attorneys, (killing unarmed people is terrorism, not war.).
This is all available in public news stories, and articles, but then if you're in the "posse" you don't believe the news media.

A tribulation is coming. For people in all nations, social trends are already life-threatening, and life-taking, due to the evil which men perpetrate upon one another. There have always been conspiracies, and will be as long as God allows man to rule himself. All governments have at times lied to their own people. We do continue to lose "freedoms", even in this country. Eventually, we may have more laws causing us religious persecution in the U.S..

Some of the 'conspiracy' materials circulated contain some elements of truth. Governments are "oppressive" to a greater or lessor extent, including ours, but our's is still the best in the world. It must be, since everyone wants to come here, and no one leaves here just to be under some other government, except for a few who are usually fugitives from criminal prosecution.

From all the reading and research we have done, the conspiracy theories are for the most part a distraction for the people of God. At the least, they're a little truth mixed with a lot of nonsense. At the worst, they are elements of schemes to make money, gain a following (power), or to gain fame, or all of the above,(we know of two ex-cog ministers who promote them). In the worst cases, brethren have given up their calling for a gospel of paranoia, and the life of fugitives, (including some we have known).

One of the more popular ex-cog publications was going to publish articles about the attempts of some individuals to spread the "conspiracy doctrines" among the scattered brethren. But those articles were postponed indefinitely (as of 1997).
Articles endorsing conspiracy theories were printed instead.[For example, one which alleged that "most Texans are separatists and are arming themselves". See, the true part is that many Texans are armed, but not because they are separatists.]

We can only guess that perhaps the decision was "reader-driven" since exposing the falsehood of the theories is not as "popular" as endorsing them. Or perhaps it was just a sincere desire to "inform" the so-called 'little ones' who are presumed to be "ignorant" of all the evil that's out there.
Actually, there is no lack of pro-conspiracy materials out there, including many which are as easily disproved as the one above. This publishing choice is reflected in the selection of articles published in secular publications, and in books written on the subject. There is some responsible material available, but one has to really search for it.
[Note. We are not attacking any cog or ex-cog publication, simply discussing previous publishing decisions with direct relation to the subject at hand.]

There are conspiracies. There is also a conspiracy by Satan, part of which is to distract and destroy God's chosen ones through fear. We can aid and abet this conspiracy in a misguided attempt to help others, if we perpetuate false rumors as truth.

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are NOT able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Mat. 10:28

If we truly fear God, we have no reason to fear any man, nor any conspiracy, nor any government, nor any law, nor any other thing. There is nothing wrong with being informed, if the information is true.

I Ths 5:1, "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
:2, For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night
:4, But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
:16 Rejoice evermore.
:17 Pray without ceasing.
:20 Despise not [true] prophesyings.
:21 Prove all things; hold fast [only] that which is good.
:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
"When it, the Spirit of truth is come, it will guide you into all truth:..." Jn. 16:13. Believe it or not.


After posting the above response to the same forum on which the "scary e-mail" was posted, we were publicly challenged as to whether we had actually read the law as passed or whether we had merely read the minutes of the debate. Good point, as last minute "riders" can make a difference. But, . . .sorry, folks, we read the whole thing as enacted into law and none of the twenty six lies given above have any basis within this law. In fact the effect of the "act" is the direct opposite of what the email author claims in his twenty six lies. The author said the bill was introduced with 26 cosponsors. There were actually 131. We wonder if the author actually read the bill.

If you want to scare yourself, try roller coasters, or skydiving, or alligator wrestling. If you want to scare others, save it for Halloween, or else try sticking to the truth. The truth is scary enough without having to make up stuff.
If others are trying to scare you, it is usually because they are selling fear, not true understanding, not true knowledge, just fear.

Since God commands us to fear nothing and no one but Him alone, then fearing anything else would be un-Godly, and un-Christian. Encouraging others to fear anything but God would also be un-Christian and the promotion of a false gospel.


A copy of HR 2431 can be found at:
The law and its amendments can be found at the following urls:[1-394](Public_Laws)|TOM:/bss/d105query.html|

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