Hey!, Wanna See Some Sin?
"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and . . . their sins." Isa. 58:1.
22. Lies
22. 20. Where to get help:
(Note: we are not necessarily recommending these, just referencing them.)
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Teaching children not to lie:
"Responding to lies"
"Remember that lying is an act that involves at least two people, not just your child. If you want your child to stop lying to you, you'll have to change as well. Ask yourself if your own patterns of lying have given your child the message that it's all right for him to lie."
"Antecedents to Lying and Teaching the Truth "
by Deborah Hage, MSW"The goal in dealing with lying is to put the child in conflict about his lying. When a child lies and the parents get upset and angry then they are in conflict about the childs lying and the child is not. The child says to himself, "No point in both of us getting upset about this," and continues lying. When parents get emotionally involved with the lying the child gets the message that says, "When I lie my parents are hurt. When I lie others suffer." When a child does not have a conscience around lying, knowing that others are hurt may be irrelevant or even please the child. The lying behaviors will not change until the child sees, in non-angry situations, that the lying is not working for him. He needs to see that he is the one who suffers when he lies. It is not getting him what he wants. Alcoholics do not cease acting out their alcoholic behaviors because they think it through and decide it is rational for them to change. They stop drinking when they see their lives are going down the tubes because of it. They have an emotional connection to the negative results of their behavior and then have to act themselves into a new way of thinking. They don't think their way into a new way of acting. In the same way, a child must feel and experience the negative results of his behavior in the presence of non-angry and non-emotionally involved people. Thinking about how lying doesn't work for him doesn't work. Experiencing the results and feeling the pain is the only way to drive home that he, not anyone else, is the one who suffers the most when he lies."
"How to Tell If Someone is Lying to You."
"How To Spot A Liar"
With some careful observation--and a little help from new software--anyone can learn to be a lie detector, By JAMES GEARY London
TIME EUROPE, MARCH 13, 2000 VOL. 155 NO. 10
"The Whole Truth About Workplace Lies", By Shari Caudron
"Because the potential for lying about money is so widespread, financial executives must sharpen their ability to detect workplace liars. This involves understanding the types of liars that are out there, how they get caught, and how to read the verbal and nonverbal clues that many liars project."
". . . liars are not as easy to detect as you might expect."
Children and lying (Fact Sheet)
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
"Teaching Guide: HONESTY"
(for grades 7-12)
http://www.goodcharacter.com/ISOC/Honesty.htmlWhat To Do When Children Tell Lies
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"What to Do When Your Significant Other has Lied and Admits It"