Hey!, Wanna See Some Sin?
"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and . . . their sins." Isa. 58:1
22. Lies
22.6. Lies by other names.
"non-lying" lies?
Often, attempts to strictly define lies will discuss accidental lies, accidental truths, and lies of beliefs."Certainty about lying is suspect because the practice is extraordinarily complex. Discussions of the subject usually begin with the assumption that everyone present agrees on what a lie actually is. A lie happens, a rough definition might assert, when someone does not tell the truth. Unfortunately, the relationship between lying and the truth is nowhere near this simple. A false statement need not be a lie. "The earth is flat," coming from a member of the Flat Earth Society, is not a lie but a statement of belief. Furthermore, a true statement can be a lie. Imagine a dishonest agent telling a client, "The check is in the mail," and then discovering to his horror that his new secretary has actually . . . mailed the check. Even though his client got paid, the agent intended to lie."
"Lies, Lies, Lies", By Paul Gray, All Politics, CNN TIME, October 5, 1992.
http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1997/10/06/back.time/If one has no standards, then everything is "relative" and there can be no absolute definitions, even for ones self. If everyone determines his own personal standards then there is inevitable conflict with the standards of others, perhaps with many (a child-molester), or with everyone (a mass-murderer).
God's standard for us is simple, if it is not the truth, then it is an untruth or lie."I have not written unto you because you know not the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth." (1 John 2:21).
Some other names for lies and lying:
act, acting, adulterate, adulteration, affectation, alter, alteration, apocryphal, artful negotiating, artifice,
baloney, bear false witness, bend, blarney, bluff, bluffing, bogus, bull, B.S., bunk,
camouflage, cheat, circumvent, coloring, concoct, concoction, confabulation, cook, counterfeit,
deceit, deceitfulness, deceive, deception, delude, delusion, deviate, deviation, disguise, dissemblance,
dissimulation, distortion, doctor, double-dealing, doubleminded, doublespeak, dress up, dupe, duplicity,
embellish, embellishment, embroider, enhancement, enmeshment, ensnarement, entanglement, equivocate, equivocation, exaggeration,
facade, factitious, fable, fabricate, fabrication, fabulous, fairy tale, fake, fallacy, false colors, falseheartedness, falsehood, false pretenses, false swearing, falsification, feigned, feint, fib, fiction, fictionalize, figment, flimflam, forgery, fraud, fraudulence, fudge, furtiveness,
gaming ethics, garble, gild, gloss, guile,
half-truth, hatch, hoax, hokum, hoodwink, hyperbole, hypocrisy,
insidiousness, insincerity, invent, invention, imitation,
lead astray, lie, lip-service, load,
magnification, make-believe, make up, manipulate, manufacture, masquerade, mendacity, mince, misconstruction, misdirection, misguidance, misinformation, mislead, misleading, misquote, misrepresentation, misstatement, mock, mockery, myth,
outward show, overstatement,
pass for, pass off as, perfidy, perjury, pervert, perversion, Pharisaism, phony, pose, posture, pretend, pretended,
pretense, prevaricate, prevarication, pull one's leg, put up a front,
rationalize, rationalization, reality augmentation, render lip service,
shallowness, sham, simulation, so-called, spin, spurious, story, strategic misrepresentation, stretch, subterfuge, superficiality, swear falsely, swindle, synthetic,
tamper with, terminological inexactitude, treachery, trickery, trifle with, trump up, twist, two-faced, twofacedness,
underhandedness, untruth,
warp, weasel, white lie, whopper,
This is not a complete list but it is enough to illustrate two points.
1. We use a lot of terms to avoid using the words, lie, lied, lying and liar when it involves ourselves.
2. There are many forms of lying.