Spitting Into The Wind
How to Provoke the Wrath of God
Some decisions are just really, really dumb. Take for instance the decision to provoke someone to wrath; someone from whom you cannot escape and who can make you regret it for a long, long time. Jim Croce sang a song about bad choices which warned, "you don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim." As children we learned that it was a bad choice to provoke the school bully, our older siblings, or even our parents beyond a certain point. Hopefully we learned that attempting to defy the physical laws of the universe could sometimes be unpleasant (spitting into the wind) or even fatal (trying to defy gravity). The only real superheroes are God and Christ and while they have put up with a lot from humans they do have some limits beyond which is a really bad choice.
What makes God mad? Which of our actions merely upset him? Which ones provoke him to gently correcting us? And which ones provoke him to raining fire and brimstone on us?
These questions have been answered by human experience over the past 6,000 years. All we have to do is read the accounts. Since there are so many we shall simplify the task by listing them below.
We have used only those accounts in which the words, "anger, angry, wrath, and wroth" are used to describe God's emotion.
We have listed only those accounts where God spoke or took action or where individuals with whom God was working directly, committed sin. This list does not include all accounts of sin.
Notice in Genesis that although God sometimes took action, the words "anger, wrath, and wroth" are never used to describe God, but they are used to describe men (Cain, Jacob, Simeon, Levi, Potiphar, Pharoah). In Gen. 6, the whole world was described as "evil continually", yet God is described only as being "grieved", not "angry" or "full of wrath". Genesis covers the first 2,500 years of human history. Only beginning with events in Exodus, especially those involving the Israelites, do we see God describing himself as having "wrath", being "wroth" and being provoked to "anger" (Ex. 4:14, Num. 14:22). Nehemiah later described God as "a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness, . . ." (Neh. 9:17). David wrote, "For his anger endureth but a moment . . ." (Psa.30:5; Isa. 54:7-8). He is "slow to anger", (Psa. 103:8; 145:8).
It would be presumptuous and unfair to assume that every time God intervened in human affairs or somehow punished men that he was angry or full of wrath. After all, even human parents sometimes punish their own children, without anger. We should also keep in mind that a lot of human suffering is self-inflicted or mutually inflicted and not divine wrath.
In the events described in Genesis, God dealt directly with only a few individuals, (Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). Otherwise, he dealt with the whole world, (e.g. the flood, the confusion of languages).
Beginning in Exodus, God attempted to deal directly with a whole nation and was often "provoked unto wrath". Israel quickly rejected "hearing" directly from God (Ex. 20:19), and eventually rejected God's rule over them, choosing to imitate the world's system of "politics" (1 Sam. 8;4-5). Is it any wonder that he withdrew from "sight" and has only spoken to or worked with individuals since then? (e.g. the prophets, Christ, and some disciples).
Some conclusions about God's "wrath" are self-evident. We list them at the bottom.
Who: What: Results/Actions by God: Gen. 3, serpent "beguiled" Eve serpent was "cursed" Eve led husband to sin will experience "sorrow" Adam disobeyed God God "cursed ground",
man will experience sorrow,
life will be difficult, ("sweat")Gen. 4, Cain killed his brother was "marked",
became fugitive,
God cursed ground,Gen. 6, the "world" "evil continually" all killed by flood,
(except Noah and his family)Gen. 11, "whole earth" unified purpose and activity with a wrong goal languages changed, people "scattered" Gen.12, Abraham lied about his wife God plagued Pharoah Gen. 18:10-15
Sarahlaughed at God's promise; disbelief, lack of faith (no immediate action) Gen. 18-19, Sodom, Gomorrah "very grievous sin" total destruction by
"brimstone and fire"Lot's wife disobeyed, wanted to "go back" turned her into salt Lot's daughters seduced their father, incest (no immediate action) Gen. 20, Abraham lied about his wife,
lack of faithGod threatens Abimelech Gen. 26, Isaac lied about his wife,
lack of faith(no immediate action) Gen. 27, Rebekah,
Jacobconspired to steal "blessing",
defrauded Esau(no immediate action) Gen. 29, Laban defrauds Jacob, "changed'
(reduced) his wages ten timesGod sends Jacob back to Canaan Gen. 37, Jacob's sons conspire to kill Joseph,
sell Joseph into slavery(no immediate action) Gen. 38, Onan defrauds Tamar killed by God Judah defrauds Tamar, commits adultery with her (no immediate action) Tamar deceives Judah, commits fornication (no immediate action) Gen. 39, Potiphar's wife falsely claims attempted rape by Joseph, who is imprisoned (no immediate action)
Gen. 42, Joseph deceives his brothers, conspires to torment them, father is also grieved (no immediate action) Ex. 4:14, Moses reluctance to accept commission, refusing to obey God partial reduction of duties Ex. 15:7, Egypt Pharoah's disobedience destruction of Egypt Ex. 22:24, warning to Israel (warning) don't afflict widows and orphans death by sword Ex. 32:10-12, Israel idolatry plague, 3,000 killed by sword Lev. 10:1-6, priests disobedience in rituals death of the two priests Num. 1:51-53, warning to Israel (warning) only Levites allowed near the tabernacle "wrath", plague (8:19) Num. 11:1, Israel complaining burned with fire Num. 11:10, Israel lust, v.34, complaining, v.10 killed by plague, v. 33-34 Num. 12:1-15,
Miriam, Aaronverbally attacking Moses leprosy on Miriam, temporary exile Num. 16:41-50, Israel murmuring about Korah's death plague kills 14,700 Num. 18:1-7, warning to Israel (warning) only Aaronic priests death Num. 22:22, Balaam failure to follow God's instructions angel of death sent, v. 33 Num. 25:3-4, Israel idolatry 24,000 killed, v.4-5, 9 Num 32:10, 13-14,
Deu. 1:34 Israelrefusal to go into Canaan genocide of all over age 20 Deu. 1:37, 3:26,
Moses, Aaron"because you believed me not" banned from Canaan Deu. 4:25, (warning) Israel (prophecy) idolatry "perish, destroyed", v. 26 Deu. 6:15, (warning) Israel (warning) idolatry "destroy you" Deu. 7: 4, (warning) Israel (warning) idolatry "destroy you" Deu. 9:7-22, Israel (reference to previous sins) "wrath" Deu. 9:19, Israel (ref. to idolatry in Ex. 32) "wrath", "destroy you" Deu. 9:20, Aaron over the golden calf idol God intended to destroy him
(spared by Moses's prayer)Deu. 11:17, Israel (warning) idolatry, v. 16 "drought, famine, perish", Deu. 13:17, Israel (warning) idolatry, v.13 (to avoid God's anger) Deu. 29:18-28, Israel (warning) idolatry curses, name blotted out
land desolate, all the cursesDeu. 29:23,
Sodom, Gomorrah"grievous sin", Gen. 18:20 destroyed by fire Deu. 31:16-17,29
Israel(prophecy) idolatry will forsake them Deu. 32:16-21, Israel (song, prophetic) idolatry, will forsake them Josh. 7:1, 26, Israel Achan's lust, greed, disobedience 36 Israelites wounded or killed, Achan's family stoned and burned Josh. 23:16,18 Israel (warning) idolatry perish quickly Josh. 22:20; 7:11
Achan, Israellust, disobedience, theft, lying 36 men wounded or killed, Achan stoned, burned Judg. 2:12-20, Israel repeated idolatry oppression, bondage,
Canaanites remained in landJudg. 3:8, Israel idolatry oppression Judg. 10:7, Israel idolatry oppression 2 Sam. 6:7, Uzzah disobedience in touching ark death 2 Sam. 22, ungodly men (David's song) "wroth", earthquakes 2 Sam. 24, Israel
1 Chr. 21David's sin of disobedience in taking census pestilence kills 70,000 1 K. 11:9, Solomon refusal to hear God,
idolatry with pagan wives, failure to keep covenant and statutesI will take the kingdom away from your family and give it to your servant 1 K. 14:9, Jeroboam,
Israelidolatry, 15:30 his lineage ended,
Israel scattered1 K. 16:34 Baasha 'sin' v. 2, 7, 13 his lineage ended 1 K. 16:26 Omri "like Jeroboam, Baasha, vanities" died 1 K. 16:33, Ahab idolatry, grove drought, famine, 21:22 1 K. 22:53, Ahaziah idolatry anger 2 K.13 Jehoahaz, Israel idolatry oppression 2 K. 17:1-18 Israel idolatry Assyrian captivity 2 K. 21, Mannaseh
23:26, Judahidolatry "such evil," 'unbelievable',
v. 122 K. 22:13, Judah forsaking (losing) Bible, idolatry "great wrath" v. 17 2 K. 23, Israel "houses of high places" (temples) captivity 2 K. 24, Zedekiah did evil in the sight of the Lord captivity 1 Chr. 13:10, Uzza touched the ark immediately died 2 Chr. 12:7 Judah forsaking the law oppression 2 Chr. 19
King Jehoshaphat"helping the ungodly" "wrath" 2 Chr. 24:18, Judah idolatry "wrath" 2 Chr. 25:15, Amaziah idolatry Israel attacks Judah 2 Chr. 28:9 Judah idolatry 120,000 killed
200,000 captive2 Chr. 28:25, Ahaz idolatry provoked God to "anger" 2 Chr. 28:11 Israel
29:8"sins" "wrath" 2 Chr. 30:8, Israel, Judah failing to serve God 'fierceness of his wrath' 2 Chr. 32:25
Hezekiah, JudahHezekiah's vanity "wrath" 2 Chr. 33:6
Mannaseh, Judahidolatry Babylonian captivity 2 Chr. 34:21, 25
Israel, Judahidolatry
"not kept the word (Bible)'great wrath' 2 Chr. 36:14, Judah transgressions, abominations, abused God's prophets, despised his words,
polluted the templeJerusalem destroyed, Babylonian captivity Ezra 5:12, Judah "provoked God unto wrath" Babylonian captivity Ezra 8:22, to all "those who forsake (God)" "his wrath is against them" Ezra 9, Judah marriage to pagan wives "angry", total destruction (9:14; 10:14) Neh. 13:18, Judah profaning the Sabbath "wrath" Job 20, to all wickedness, hypocrisy,
oppression, forsaking the poor"fury of God's wrath" Job 21:17, to all "wickedness" "death, destruction, sorrows" Job 42:7
Job's friendsfalse arguments about God, 13:7, 10 "wrath" (deferred by offerings) Psa. 2:5, the "world" world rebellion against God laughter at conspiracies
wrath at rebellionPsa. 2:12, to all (warning) failure to accept Christ "perish" when his wrath is kindled but a little Psa. 7:11, the wicked wickedness God is angry every day (a song by David) Psa. 78, Israel disobedience "anger" Psa. 106, Israel lack of faith; lust, envy,
idolatry, unbelief, murmuring"anger", plagues, captivity, oppression Ecc. 5:5-6, to all failure to keep promises "angry", work destroyed Isa.1:4, Israel sin, iniquity, evil, corruption anger Isa. 5, Israel
v. 20,oppression,
over development of land
excessive partying,
iniquity, vanity, sin,
contempt for God,
evil, hypocrites, liars,
self-righteous, vanity of wisdom,
commit injustice,
despised God's word
crop failures
captivity, famine, drought
destruction, "anger kindled"
"carcasses in street"Isa. 9:9-14, Israel
v.15-20pride, hard-heartedness,
leaders who "err",
lying prophets, hypocrites,
"villainy", wickedness"cut off" (destroyed), wrath, famine,
'burned as firewood"Isa. 10:1-6, Israel
v. 25,unrighteous decrees, evil laws,
injustice for the needy, poor, widows and orphanswrath,
oppression, captivity, death
destructionIsa. 13, Babylon, "the world"
v. 12,
v. 13,evil, wicked, iniquity,
arrogance of the proud,
haughtiness of the terrible"anger", "indignation",
"destruction from the Almighty", fear, "wrath and fierce anger", "land desolate", darkness,
cataclysmic events,
death by sword, children killed, property taken, wives raped,
"as Sodom and Gomorrah",
total desolation of the landIsa. 30, Assyria oppression of Israel lightening, storms, hail, earthquakes Isa. 42, Israel sin, disobedient to law "fury of his anger", captivity Isa. 57, mankind covetousness "wroth", smote him,
"no peace to the wicked"Isa. 63, Israel rebellion anger, fury, blood, day of vengeance Isa. 64, Israel "sinned" "wroth" Isa. 65, Israel
v. 4rebellion, idolatry,
eating unclean meats
self-righteousness, iniquities
refusal to hear God,"provoked me to anger continually to my face"
"will not destroy them all"
sword, slaughter, famine, drought, sorrow, name cursed, deathIsa. 66, "all flesh" hatred of the righteous, idolatry, eating unclean meats, Lord "render his anger with fury",
with "flames of fire", by sword, the slain "will be many", death,
"an abhorring unto all flesh"Jer. 3, Israel "backsliding, iniquity,
transgression, idolatry""anger" Jer. 4, Israel "abominations", evil doings,
wickedness, rebellious"my fury . . . like fire", "evil and destruction", affliction, oppression, whole land is spoiled, war, darkness,
earthquakes, cities destroyedJer. 7, Israel
v. 18,
v. 20,
v.29-34,faith in the Temple and the
sacrifices; injustice, oppression of strangers, widows, and orphans,
trust in lies (false doctrines),
theft, murder, adultery, lying,
worldly (pagan) holidays
evil, "abominations"
idolatry, human sacrifices,captivity,
my anger shall be poured out,
(man, beast, trees, fruit, all totally destroyed),
people's carcasses shall be eaten by fowls and beastsJer. 8, Israel "graven images" (idolatry),
wickedness, unrepentant,
human "wisdom",
covetousness of leaders
and the people,
lying priests and ministers,
abominations, false prophets,famine, "a time of trouble", war, land and cities destroyed,
captivityJer. 10, Israel "the way of the heathen":
cutting a tree out of the forest,
securing it upright,
decorating it with gold and silver"God is the living God", at his wrath the earth shall tremble, (earthquakes) Jer. 11, Judah, Israel idolatry "provoked me to anger" Jer. 12, Israel,
"many pastors"
"destroyed my vineyard",
"made it desolate"
"sword of the lord shall devour", "no flesh shall have peace", "they shall be ashamed of your revenues because of the fierce anger of the Lord"Jer. 15, Judah King Manasseh's sins death, sword, famine, captivity Jer. 17, Judah "sin", idolatry slavery, captivity Jer. 21, 22 Judah "according to the fruit of your
doings", forsaking the covenant, idolatrywar, famine, pestilence, defeat, captivity Jer. 23, "pastors" "that destroy and scatter my sheep", land is full of adulterers, "ministers and priests are profane",
"wickedness in the churches", "prophecy by false gods, commit adulteries, make people err, they lie, promote evil works, "they are as Sodom and Gomorrah",
speak visions of their own hearts"I will bring evil upon you",
"whirlwind" of God's fury shall fall furiously on the wickedJer. 25, Judah
"all nations"idolatry, evil works
wickedness, evil"provoked to wrath", war, captivity
utter destruction, land desolate, 70 years captivity
"fierce anger", desolationJer. 30 Israel spiritual adultery, sins fierce anger, pain upon the wicked Jer. 32, Israel disobedience, lawbreaking, idolatry, evil of leaders and of people, unrepentant, ignored the prophets, human sacrifices war, famine, pestilence, captivity Jer. 33, Judah "wickedness" "anger and fury", city filled with dead bodies Jer. 36, Judah, Israel "evil way" "great anger and fury" Jer. 42, (part of) Judah failed to "stay in the land", fled to Egypt for safety war, famine, pestilence and death in Egypt Jer. 44, Judah wickedness, idolatry land desolate, none of those who fled to Egypt shall survive Jer. 51, Babylon, "all nations with her" fighting against God
"destroying govt. which destroys all the earth""the day of trouble"
"time of the Lord's vengeance"
"suddenly fallen and destroyed"
"break in pieces the nations"
"destroy nations"
"captains, rulers" and civilians, "men, women, old, young", desolate foreverLam. 1, "Jerusalem"
(Israel and Judah)
ch. 2,
ch. 3,
ch. 4,
ch. 5,"grievously sinned" "anger", desolation, affliction, "took away the tabernacle", "destroyed the places of the assembly",
"fear is come upon us, desolation and destruction",
"poured out his fierce anger",
"you are very wroth against us"Eze. 2:3, (prophecy to) Israel
ch. 5rebellion against God,
transgression of God's law,
"stiffhearted" (unrepentant)
refused my statutes
1/3 die by pestilence and famine, 1/3 die by war, 1/3 will be scattered, pursued,
cannibalism due to famine,Eze. 6 " " " idolatry "sword, famine, pestilence", Eze. 7 " " " "your abominations"
"land is full of bloody crimes""the end is come upon you" Eze. 8 " " "
v. 16idolatry, abominations, worship of animals,
sunrise worship, filled the land with violence,
I will deal in fury and I will not spare themEze. 9, Israel, Judah iniquity exceeding great, land is full of blood, perverseness death to all that do not have the "mark" of God, v. 4-7 Eze. 13, false prophets prophecies of their own imaginations, vanities, lies,
seduced my people with false prophecies of "peace""I am against you",
cast out, forgotten, exiled,
you shall be consumed, "there is no peace"Eze. 16, (prophecy to) Israel spiritual and political fornication humiliation, destruction, death Eze. 20, Israel idolatry, rebellion, despised my statutes, polluted my sabbaths sentenced to the "wilderness",
poured out fury upon them,
scattered into all the countriesEze. 21, Israel, Judah,
Babylon, Ammonwickedness I have drawn the sword and will not put it away Eze. 22, Israel idolatry, bloodshed
dishonored parents, oppressed strangers, orphans and widows, lewdness, sexual sins, usury, extortion, greed,
conspiracy among the prophets, profaned the holy,
abandoned the sabbaths, accepted the unclean things, vanity, lies
consumed them with the fire of my wrathEze. 25, Edom for taking vengeance on Judah my vengeance, fury, desolation, death Eze. 35, Mount Seir, Idumea hatred and envy for Israel, for killing Israelites desolation, blood, death Eze. 38-39, Gog and Magog
(prophetic)attacking Israel armies will divide and fight among themselves, pestilence, hailstones, fire and brimstone, 83% die, seven months to bury the bodies, seven years to dispose of the armaments, "in the fire of my wrath have I spoken" Eze. 43, Israel abominations, political whoredoms I have consumed them in my anger Dan. 9, Israel,
(Daniel's prayer)sins, iniquity anger and fury, captivity Hos. 5, Israel, Ephraim rebellion, whoredom, iniquity, intermarriage with pagans, desolation, pour out my wrath like a flood Hos. 8, Israel,
Judahbroken the covenant and the law, looked to political leaders instead of God, idolatry,
forgotten Godcaptivity
cities destroyed by fireHos. 11, Israel, Ephraim idolatry, lies, deceit captivity Hos. 11, 12, Ephraim lies, causes desolation, loves trading and business, cheats in business and oppresses by it, boasts of wealth and righteousness your holy places are like piles of dung,
provoked God to anger most bitterly therefore his "blood" (guilt) remains upon himHos. 13, Ephraim,
Israelworshiped Baal,
now they sin more and more,
idols, forgotten God
you have destroyed yourself,
rebelled against God,died,
I will devour them like a lion,
fall by the sword, infants dashed in pieces, pregnant women ripped openAmos 1, Edom attacking Israel, perpetually hating Israel destroyed by fire Jonah 1, 3, Ninevah wickedness, evil, violence fierce anger, perish Micah 5, Israel (among the Gentiles), Gentiles witchcrafts, soothsayers, idols, images, armies destroyed,
execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathenNahum 1-3, Ninevah, Assyria a wicked counselor comes out of you, one that imagines evil against God, a bloody city, full of lies and robbery, witchcrafts, noisy with trading; no end to your slain victims, a multitude, a great number of corpses;
wealthy due to chemical products; your wickedness has affected the whole world continually
I am against you,
you shall be laid waste,
fatally wounded,Habakkuk1-3, Judah,
Chaldeaviolence, iniquity, strife, contention, no law, no judgment, wickedness, wrong judgment,
a "bitter and hasty nation"attack by Chaldea
thresh them in angerZeph. 1-3, Judah, Israel,
"all men",
"all the earth"sinned against God "the great day of the Lord is near", "a day of wasteness and desolation", "whole land shall be devoured", "blood poured out like dust", "flesh shall be as dung";
"the day of the Lord's anger",
nations destroyed as "Sodom and Gomorrah", killed by the sword, nations made desolate, a wilderness, "a place for beasts"Zech. 7, Judah fasting and mourning in vain, ignoring the prophets,
false judgments, oppression of brethren, widows, orphans, strangers, the poor; refused to hear God,
therefore, a great wrath from God, land made desolateZech. 10:3, "shepherds",
(false ministers, priests, rabbis, preachers, teachers)idolatry, false visions, false dreams, give comfort in vain, "my anger was kindled against them", I punished them Mark 3:5, Jews hardness of their hearts, looking to accuse Christ Christ "looked at them with anger",
he healed a man with a withered handMark 3:7, (warning) to Jews failure to repent to avoid the wrath to come Luke 21, (prophecy) to all "evil" (times of the "end"), desolation, days of vengeance, wrath upon the people, death, captivity John 3:36, to all failure to believe Christ wrath of God Romans 2:1-5, to all condemning others (rather than the sins) wrath of God Rom. 2:8, Jews and Gentiles contention, disobedience indignation, wrath, tribulation, anguish Eph. 5;3-6, to all fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, jesting, whoremonger, unclean, idolatry, disobedience because of these things, the wrath of God comes upon you Col. 3:5-8, to all fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness which is idolatry, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication, lying, "for which things sake the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience" Heb. 3:8-12, Israel (at Exodus) unbelief, unrepentance, sin forbidden to enter into "rest", (Promised land, symbolic of the kingdom of God) Rev. 6:15-17, world "evil" "the great day of his wrath" Rev. 11:18, world "angry" at the return of Christ and fight against him God's "wrath is come", to "destroy those who destroy the earth" Rev. 14:7-10, the world any who worship the "beast" and his "image" and receive his "mark" in his hand or forehead wrath of God, torment with fire and brimstone Rev. 15, 16, the world those with the "mark of the beast", those who worship his "image" painful sores,
rivers and oceans become blood, the sun scorches men,
darkness, demons loosed to work miracles and to gather all nations against God, earthquakes, hailstones,Rev. 19, the world killed God's servants,
worshiped the "beast" and received his "mark""he (Christ) treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God", armies and leaders of the world, killed, their flesh eaten by buzzards
1. God doesn't always punish every sin immediately. He is patient and waits for men to make the right choice. While he waits, some choose to commit more sin. Ecc.8:11.
2. Sometimes God doesn't have to directly intervene to punish us for a sin. Sometimes our sins yields an automatic "punishment". Such as having more than one wife, Gen. 21; lying, Gen. 13, 20, 26; fraud, Gen. 38; and theft, Gen. 27.
3. What God thinks is important is not always what we think is important. Sometimes God chooses to overlook something which we think is important. Isa. 55:8-9.
4. God sometimes uses one nation or group or individual to punish another nation or group or individual. War is never a "favor" even for the victor. Had Israel paid attention and been obedient and had faith, it would not have been necessary for God to use them to "punish" the Canaanites for their evil ways. Ex. 23:27-30; 33:2; 34:11.
5. Anger and vengeance are in God's domain, not man's. See "Is an angry Christian an Oxymoron?".
6. Excuses won't stop God's punishment. There are no valid excuses. Rom. 1:20.
7. Sometimes what we would consider the "wrath" of God, is actually a blessing in progress.
Gen. 37, 39.
8. Your actions can bring the wrath of God on those around you, Ex. 15:7; Josh. 7:1, 26.
9. There are only two choices which can be expressed several ways: life or death, blessing or cursing (Deu.30:15, 19), salvation or wrath, (1 Ths. 5:9).
10. The only causes for God's wrath are man's wrong choices in words and actions which hurt himself or others. When man learns to be like God, demonstrating love in words and deeds, there will be no wrath.
11. Some of judgments described above are only historical, some are prophetic (not yet fulfilled), and some are both historic and prophetic in that they describe both past events and future events.
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