Just What Do You Mean... "Bubba"?
To whom it may concern:It has come to our attention that our references to a "Bubba" may have been taken as disparaging references to rednecks, particularly, southern rednecks. This was not our intent. If it had been our intent we most certainly would have indiscriminately disparaged all rednecks, not just southern ones. ;-)
Some may have incorrectly assumed that Bubba is a southerner or simply a hick. Such presumption has absolutely no merit whatsoever.
In order to clarify who and what Bubba is, we submit the following.
A bubba is quick to anger:
Cain was a bad bubba, Gen.4.
Moses was an occasional bubba, Ex. 2:12, Ex. 32:19, Num. 20:10-11.
A bubba will sometimes "pass the buck":
Adam was a bubba when he blamed Eve, Gen 3.
Eve was a bubba (fem.bubbette?) when she blamed the serpent, Gen 3.
Now the serpent didn't have anyone to blame. Serpents and snakes are not bubbas.
A bubba may be found on construction sites:
Nimrod was an evil, tower-building, union bubba, Gen 10-11;
whereas Noah, in building the world's largest bass boat, was an ok-bubba,
Gen 6-8.
A bubba may be found in top government positions:
Nebuchadnezzar was a pompous bubba until God cured him through insanity, Dan 4 (at least he was cured of being pompous, there is no known cure for being a bubba). (Note: "babylon", probably derived from bubbaland.)
A bubba will take up for his blood-kin:
Abram was a bubba to his nephew Lot, Gen.13.
Some bubbas can maintain a sense of humor while extracting revenge for kinfolk:
Simeon and Levi conned the Shechmites into 'cutting themselves off at the pass', Gen. 34:15, 25.
A bubba always tries to get the best end of a bargain:
Jacob out-bubba-ed Esau 2-0, and tied with Laban on a multi-level deal, only to feel like a loser when his "other" sons cashed in Joseph for pocket change.
A bubba doesn't let a little thing like "doing hard time" stand in the way of his success:
Joseph's years among criminals prepared him for a career in public office, Gen.39-41. (Joseph's career is similar to that of many top government officials today, except that he served his time BEFORE his tenure.)
A bubba likes to party:
The Israelites were being party-bubbas while Moses was on the Mount, Ex. 32:6. This was okay, until they misplaced their togas and, as is the case when there are too many bubbas in one place, there will tend to be too much bull, even if its only a calf.
A bubba appreciates a good brewski:
Moses brewed a batch of "Moses' Golden" and all Israel toasted to their repentance, Ex.32:20.
A bubba likes to camp out:
Num 14. After 40 years, it's probably in the genes (along with the sand).
Any bubba will talk to his animals. A smart bubba will also listen to them:
Balaam was a bubba, Num 22. If the animal talks back, you now have two bubbas.
A bubba likes to hunt at night:
This dates back to Gideon, who used 300 men to "tree" 135,000 Midianites at midnight. Jud.7. A bubba is one who thinks them's good odds.
The Bible is full of bubbas, good bubbas, bad bubbas, mediocre bubbas. In the culture of my childhood, bubba was babytalk for "brother". If we be brethren, then we all be bubbas.....'cept for the ladies who would be... bubbettes? ...lady bubbas?...sister bubbas?...Ms.Bubba?...Uhoh, I may be a dead bubba now!? :-o
YBIC (yes, that's what it stands for) :-)
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