Some claim to have the "whole truth" or the "full truth". Do some actually believe that there is no more truth than what we already know? Perhaps we should rephrase these comments in order to fully understand what is being said.

1) If we have "all the truth", then the Eternal couldn't have any more truth to teach us. Therefore, we know as much as He does. We are on His level as far as knowledge of truth. We know and understand all truth in the universe, all truth in both the physical world and the spiritual world.
Each of us who says, "We have the whole truth.", has become the "sum of all truth".

2) God is not divided. He is not the author of confusion. We are to all be like-minded, of "one mind", speaking the same thing. All knowledge is either true or false knowledge. Therefore, those of us who have all truth would have exactly the same truth.
There is no variation in truth, therefore, those having all truth would be totally agreed upon each and every truth and every aspect of each and every truth.

3) If we already have all the truth, there is no more truth to learn. Therefore, we must stop learning about truth. There is no longer a need to test or prove anything. There is no need to think about or ask questions about truth. If we have all truth, we are sufficient unto ourselves and would have no need for anyone to attempt to teach us anything about truth. Since our mind already contains all truth, there exists nothing more to come into our mind.
The learning of truth is completed, the process finished and our mind is now closed to any more truth because it cannot accept something that no longer exists outside of itself.

4) We are told to study. If we already have all truth, then studying to learn truth would be redundant, it would merely be a review--going over the same material again and again, year after year. This is, in effect, what both our teachers and we as students, have been doing for years, isn't it?
If we know all truth, then we can't learn any more truth and if we are not learning any more truth then there is no more truth to learn.

5) If there is no more truth to learn, what about knowledge? Does anyone claim to have all knowledge? Can one have all truth without having all knowledge? If we have all truth now, then all future knowledge we learn would be subject to the truth we now have. All knowledge as yet unlearned would have to be made to fit within our present understanding of truth.
Any apparent discrepancy between new knowledge and our present understanding would require a modifying or a qualification of the knowledge to fit our current understanding of truth. To do anything else would be to admit that we didn't yet have all truth or have perfect truth which would contradict our original statement regarding having all truth.
If we modify all new knowledge to fit our present understanding of truth, then there couldn't be any new truth learned.

Those who would claim to have all truth could not be taught anything new by the Eternal, otherwise their previous claim to already have all truth would be incorrect. All those having all truth, would be totally agreed upon all truth, otherwise someone still misunderstands.
Having all truth means we can stop learning truth, be content with repetitious reviews, close our minds to the possibility that we could be wrong about anything we think we understand.
We must modify, or qualify, or reshape all new knowledge to fit within our present concept of truth, thus accomplishing our self-fulfilling prophecy that there is no more truth.

We could have an individual who, having some knowledge, believes he knows all he ever needs to learn, that he can wisely make all future decisions for himself with no more knowledge than he now possesses, and that anyone older or greater than himself has nothing of significant value to offer him.
Hmmmmmm.....sounds just like an average, immature teenager. Perhaps that's how the Eternal views someone claiming to have the "whole truth" now.

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