Profiles of The Department
The mission of the educational system in the Physics Department is to provide an
excelent education to produce high quality graduates who are capable of applying their
knowledge to support National development and the continuing progress of science and
technology world wide. The curriculum of the Physics Department comprises both national
and local curricula. For both curricula the department has been updating the contents of
the lectures all year around whilst still running the syllabi, which are reviewed every 4
years, to accommodate the progresses and advances in each subject. Along with the minimum
requirements of being a "Sarjana Fisika", the student can take the elective
subjects to fullfill their interests and concerns on the science and technology. The
elective subjects are grouped into five mainstreams:
- Biophysics
- Geophysics
- Material Science
- Measurement and Instrumentation
- Theoretical/Computational Physics
Those mainstream elective subjects are also representing the research interest of the
staffs. To be graduated, the students must complete the compulsary subjects and several
elective subjects. In the final year, each student has to carry out a final research
The Department of Physics has five laboratories, in which many experiments are
undertaken. They are:
- Elementary Physics:Basic Physics (to serve the whole university students)
- Advance Physics: Modern Physics (nuclear and atomic physics), Optics (including
laser), Solid state, Waves, Electromagnetics, Mechanics and Thermodynamics
- Electronic and Instrumentation: Basic Electrical Circuit, Analog and Digital
Electronics, Microprocessor, and Physical System Simulation
- Biophysics: Biophysics.
- Geophysics: Elementary Geology, Geophysics, Gravity & Earth Magnetic, and
The laboratories are well equiped to conduct appropriate experiments as it is required
to achieve high quality of education and research. The research activities of the staffs
and students are conducted in those laboratories.
Physical Facilities
The Physics Department main building is a two storey building. To suport all the
activities, the department has a total of about 990 m2 of spaces, as follows:
- Academic rooms (classes and laboratories) : 610,6 m2
- Administrative rooms : 247,8 m2
- Staff rooms: 134 m2
In addition, there are some other rooms which are managed by the faculty and the
university for lecturing purposes.
Each year a number of about 45 new students are accepted to enroll to the Physics departement. The total number of enrolled student is about 160 students, from the first year students up to the final year students.
The Staffs
The Department has some 30 lecturers. They are grouped into five research groups (as
stated) which are closely working together.
Lecturer's Names (in alphabetic order)
Name |
Research interest |
Abdurrouf, S.Si. |
Material Sciences |
Achmad Agus Dardiri, Drs. |
Material Sciences |
Achmad Hidayat, S.Si. |
Material Sciences |
Adi Susilo, Drs. M.Si. |
Geophysics |
Agus Naba, S.Si. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
Alamsyah M. Juwono, Drs., M.Sc. |
Geophysics |
Aniwati, Ir. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
Arinto Yudi P. Wardoyo, Drs., M.Sc. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
Bambang Paridjoto, dr., D.S.F.K. |
Biophysics |
Chomsin Sulistya Widodo, S.Si. |
Biophysics |
D.J. Djoko H. Santjojo, Ir., M.Sc. |
Material Sciences |
Didik Rahadi Santoso, Drs., M.Si. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
Didik Yudianto, Drs. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
H. M. Djamil, Ir. |
Geophysics |
Hari Arief Dharmawan, S.Si. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
Heru Budiono, Drs., M.Sc. |
Material Sciences |
Heru Harsono, Drs., M.Si. |
Material Sciences |
Johan A.E. Noor, Drs., M.Sc. |
Biophysics |
Kusharto, dr., D.S.F.K. |
Biophysics |
Lailatin Nuriyah, Dra., M.Si. |
Material Sciences |
Mufied Wibisono, dr., D.S.F.K. |
Biophysics |
M. Nurhuda, Drs., Dr. rer. nat. |
Theoretical/Computational Physics |
Siti J. Iswarin, Dra. Apt. |
Biophysics |
Setyawan P. Sakti, Drs., M.Eng. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
Sugeng Rianto, Drs. |
Measurement and Instrumentation |
Sunaryo, S.Si. |
Geophysics |
Unggul P. Juswono, Drs., M.Sc. |
Biophysics |
Wasis, Drs. |
Geophysics |
Wiyono, Ir., M.Si. |
Geophysics |
Yully E.H.M., Drg., M.Kes. |
Biophysics |
Administrative staffs
- Nanik P. Rahayu
- Pudjiono
- Suwarno
- Agus Prasmono
- Murti Adi Widodo
- Purnomo
- Sahri
- Surachman
- Wahyudi
Staff Publications
- Santjojo, D.J. (1993), "Studies of Photodegradation in Hydrogenated Amorphous
silicon", Thin Solid Films
- Sakti, S.P. (1993), "On-line Sensor Validation Strategy", Indonesian Student
Association Seminar, Sydney - Australia
- Sakti, S.P. and Thorn, R. (1994), "The On-Line Validation of Modulating
Sensors", AIM-TECH 94 Conference, Adelaide - Australia
- Sakti, S.P. and Juwono, A.M. (1994), "Modelling the Self Heating Effect on PRT
using PSPICE program", Indonesian Physics Assosiation Symposium, Surabaya - Indonesia
- Santjojo, D.J. (1995),"Simulation of the Infrared Spectra of Amorphous Silicon
Alloys", Computational chemistry, 1995.
- Halawa, E.H. and Sakti, S.P. (1995), Programming the C/C++ and Its Numerical
Applications, (in Bahasa Indonesia), Erlangga, Jakarta - Indonesia
- Noor, J.A.E. and Juswono, U.P. (1996). "The Application of Synthetic Fixed Charged
Membranes in Industry." The 2nd National Seminar on Physics, Indonesian Institute of
Physics. Ujung Pandang, September 28, 1996.
- Noor, J.A.E. (1996). "The Effects of External Solutions to the Voltage-Current
(V-I) Characteristics of Synthetic Membranes". Proceedings of the 16th National
Symposium on Physics and ASEANIP Regional Seminar on the Physics of Metals and Alloys.
Bandung, December 12-14, 1996.
- Noor, J.A.E. and Paridjoto, B. (1996). "Biophysical Membranes: A Study on
Electrical Characteristics of Fixed Charged Membranes." Proceedings of the 16th
National Symposium on Physics and ASEANIP Regional Seminar on the Physics of Metals and
Alloys. Bandung, December 12-14, 1996.
- Budiono, H. and Nuriyah, L. (1996). "The Effects of the Crystallinity in PVF2 and
Its Copolymers (VF2/VF3) on Histeresis Loop Polarisation." Proceedings of the 16th
National Symposium on Physics and ASEANIP Regional Seminar on the Physics of Metals and
Alloys. Bandung, December 12-14, 1996.
- Noor, J.A.E. (1997). "The Role of Bipolar Membranes in Industry." Natural
- S.P. Sakti, et. all. (1997), "A Development of Immunosensor based on Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)",
Proceeding - ISSM 97, Wiesbaden, Germany
- S.P. Sakti, et. all. (1998), "Die Entwiklung eines Immunosensors auf der Basis kommerzieller Schwingquarze",
Fachtagung Informations- und Mikrosystemtechnik, Magdeburg, Germany