I just recently found out about my Irish heritage. Turns out I look like every other Irish person in my family. Our family name is Pogue, which traces back to clan Pollock, which apparently is actually Scottish. That's about all I know about my own heritage so far.
I used to take Irish Dance lessons at The Irish Dance Company, which I find to be very strenuous and very fun. If you would like to find a school near you, look at Anne's Place for a list of dance teachers in America. If you love to dance or you're just a fan of watching, go see Riverdance if you haven't!
No page about Ireland could be complete without some mention of how incredably yummy Guinness is. It is very yummy.
If you haven't, and you are literate, which is a prequisite for reading this anyway, you must must must read Angela's Ashes. It's wonderful. Truly. I wish it never ended so I had never had to stop reading it.
An advantage to living near the Dallas area is the annual North Texas Irish Festival which takes place the first weekend of March. Friday night is Pub night, and Saturday and Sunday's events are now being held at Fair Park. It's definitely worth checking out.
Ireland is a very special place. It has produced unique and incredable talent like that of the band U2, and the poet James Joyce, just to name a very few. Though Ireland's history has been turmoltuous, it's a place where culture- and curtousy- live on.