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July, 2005
My article What is a Man? Some Thoughts on Keven Brown’s ‘‘Abdu’l-Baha Response to Darwinism: Its Historical and Philosophical Context’ has been published in the Baha’i Studies Review (volume 12).
August 12, 2002
A novelty on my site, the French-speaking visitors will find that the French version of the articles (when there is one) is displayed automatically.
Notice that the H-Bahai site has just published the fifth edition of my Bibliographie des ouvrages de langue française mentionnant les religions babie ou baha’ie (1844–1944).
November 26, 2000
I publish at last, by leave of the Institut National de la Langue Française, my two articles written originally for the Trésor de la Langue Française. Dictionnaire de la langue du 19e et du 20e siècle (1789–1960) (16 vol., Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1971–1994).
Several of the publications of this site are French in their contents, but my wish being to keep on using English as lingua franca, two versions of each French publication will be available from now on: one with an English introduction, and one with a French one.
October 29, 2000
‘Abdu’l-Baha’s Epistle to Paris – Three translations. Probably the most important tablet to the Parisian community (or, at least, some clues give the impression that the community of that time considered it that way). The first translation is in French and the remaining two in English.
October 28, 2000
Update for Some letters from Shoghi Effendi: the first two documents have been checked with the aid of a facsimile of the original letters.
October 14, 2000
A reproduction of the article Babysme, by Pierre Larousse (from the Grand Dictionnaire Universel du 19e siècle, 1867). Although obsolescent if considered for its contribution to our knowledge of Babism, this article is an example of the way a great 19th century French thinker could perceive Babism after reading Gobineau’s writings (in this light the comparison between Babism and the utopian as well as the (proto-) libertarian socialist thinkers, summarized in the last paragraph, is very significant, as is the other comparison with the “Christian ideas”).