Transport 2000

A consumer's voice in public transportation



Transport 2000 was first formed in Great Britain in 1972 as a volunteer consumer movement to oppose the destruction of the environment by over-reliance on roads, and to promote public transportation. Since then, Transport 2000 and associated groups have been established in France, Switzerland, the United States and Canada.

In Canada
Transport 2000 Canada was formed in 1976, a federation of regional associations dedicated to the promotion of public transport in Canada. Transport 2000 maintains an Ottawa office staffed by an Executive Director and maintained by volunteers. Transport 2000 regional groups are found in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic region.

In the Atlantic Provinces
Since its formation in 1977, Transport 2000 Atlantic has been active in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick. Transport 2000 Atlantic has been involved in research, consumer advocacy, and education, touching all aspects of public transport in the four provinces.


Transport 2000's main objective is the promotion, advancement, and development of public transportation.

The transportation industry is the largest single user of fossil fuels. Transport 2000 encourages the use of energy-efficient public transportation.

Over-reliance on road transportation produces a serious waste of land in rural and urban areas. Congestion, air and noise pollution, and traffic fatalities and injuries can be reduced by environmentally sound public transportation.

Public transportation in rural and urban areas is often inconvenient, infrequent, slow, and sometimes non-existant. Yet private transport is often not available to the elderly, the young, the disabled, those on low incomes, and those who coose not to own cars. Transport 2000 strives to make public transport more accessible.

Public transport modes often compete with one another rather than cooperate. Transport 2000 supports the development of intermodal terminals and reservations systems and the coordination of schedules and other information.

Consumer Representation
Too often the needs and wishes of the consumer are ignored in transport planning. Transport 2000 believes the public hearing process and consumer representation on boards of directors are essential.

Public Transport Policy
Too often transportation policy is developed according to the narrow criteria of profit and loss. Transport 2000 says public transportation services must take into account the environment, energy conservation, accessibility, regional needs, safety, and social equity.


Public hearings
Transport 2000 presents briefs at public hearings across the country held by the National Transportation Agency and other federal, provincial, and municipal regulatory bodies.

Transport 2000 prepares studies, proposals, inquiries, and reviews of public transport policy.

Transport 2000 researches public transport questions and provides contract consulting services.

Transport 2000 defends the user of public transport services in regular contacts with government, regulatory bodies, transport companies, labour, and other groups. Transport 2000 representatives regularly attend public hearings, participate in public forums, and sit on industry and government advisory boards.

Transport 2000 publishes the national newsletter Transport-Action and the quarterly Atlantic Bulletin. Transport 2000 publishes occasional studies and position papers and regularly represents consumer interests in the media.

Public meetings and seminars are held on the regional and national level by Transport 2000, sometimes in concert with other groups.


Membership in Transport 2000:
- gives you a voice in the fight for better transportation in Canada.
- strengthens Transport 2000's nation-wide force of volunteers.
- adds importance to Transport 2000's representations before government and industry.
- helps to financially support the work of Transport 2000 in the Atlantic Provinces and across Canada

You'll receive:
- information about developments in public transportation in Canada
- subscriptions to the national newsletter Transport Action and the Transport 2000 Atlantic Bulletin
- voting status at all Transport 2000 general meetings (three votes for affiliate members).

Just download, print, and mail our application form.

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