Jesus the Way
Online Bible Course


Hall 7-lesson course. Free courses in Bible instruction, online or by correspondence. You can understand God's will about true religion, Jesus' church, and Scriptural worship. You can learn the meaning and purpose of life!

Select the lesson you want from the list below. Read the lesson, looking up the Scriptures in your Bible, then answer the questions and follow the directions at the end of the lesson to submit your answers to us. We will respond by email.

Also be sure to download each lesson for future study. Use the "save as" item on your browser menu, or simply print a copy to keep.

Please Remember To Put A Bookmark On Our Site Or Put Us In Your "Favorites" List So You Can Find Us To Complete Subsequent Lessons.

Jesus the Way Online Bible Course
Lesson 1Lesson 1 Lesson 2Lesson 2 Lesson 3Lesson 3 Lesson 4Lesson 4
Lesson 5Lesson 5 Lesson 6Lesson 6 Lesson 7Lesson 7

When you have completed this course, please move on to the next online course.

Acknowledgements: Our thanks to Sewell Hall for authoring the above materials and to David Riggs for providing them for us in online format.

Gospel WayVisit the Gospel Way, a site with many free Bible study articles
Round Lake churchVisit the site of the Church of Christ in Round Lake, Illinois
Request FormSee our Request Form for more information
Internet Bible AcademyVisit our site with inexpensive courses for home study
Home Bible Courses home pageReturn to our home page.

Lessons provided by:
Home Bible Study Courses
841 Hillandale Dr.
Antioch, IL 60002

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