Deja - vu

The Spiritual Mechanics of how we all travel through time

Nearly every culture has rich examples describing little known realities that exist within, and around us. In the past, the responsibility of describing 'unearthly' visions and metaphysical experiences fell upon either philosophers, or religious scholars of a society. Having such fields of study explain these unusual phenomena naturally opened the door to many conflict of beliefs, producing complex arguments instead of explanations as to how these "mysterious" experiences occur.

However, using a few basic elements most in spiritual study can agree on - along with what modern science has proven - there are some very clear indications as to the mechanics behind many types of metaphysical experiences. This article will focus on the deja-vu experience; describing several points over the elements and energy necessary to create the feeling that something has "happened before". Some exercises are also given, so one may develop these spiritual opportunities in "seeing" and "feeling" through time.

The electronic nature of mind, body, & spirit

While the different frequencies of spiritual, mental, and physical vibrations make them separate bodies in a sense, a human's ability to function properly still depends on their interaction and cooperation. In the daily activity of drinking a glass of water, the signals of the brain directing where the muscles should move the hand in order to grasp the glass is an example of "mind and body" interaction and cooperation. While the spiritual body interacts the same way - sending "signals" to the mind and body - these communications may not always be understood by the conscious mind.

When one has deja-vu, the fact the mind has no logical explanation for this spiritual experience leads to the event being disregarded, or forgotten altogether. Therefore to understand deja-vu, the mind needs practical and logical explanations over the workings of the spiritual world. Nature itself produces the best examples to assist our understanding of spiritual energy. Even though spiritual energy vibrates at a much higher octave than mental consciousness can perceive - spiritual vibrations are still an energy, and therefore has certain properties of energy. Understanding basic properties of energy then, can lead us to explanations and descriptions of spiritual properties.

Energy in the physical world is basically of magnetic polarity; from the tiny positive and negative charged molecules in each of our cells, to the north and south magnetic poles of the earth. The mental body also has examples of polarity, with (+) and (-) electronic impulses being how the brain sends, stores, and retrieves information. By observing recorded personal accounts of those who have manifested their spiritual energy, and considering the ancient axiom used by many cultures relating the idea "as above, so below" - indications point to the fact that spiritual energy is also electronic nature. Point one then, is the force that "triggers" deja-vu is an energy whose properties we are all already familiar with: one that has positive and negative magnetic polarity.


When one has a deja-vu experience - the common feeling that an experience "has happened before" suggests an unusual association with time, or time travel. Time then, is another important element in the creation of a deja-vu experience, which we will cover later. When one takes the ultimate trip back in time, we actually arrive at an important point which describes the third element that makes a deja-vu possible: unity.

When you look at our galaxy from outer space, you will notice there are millions of stars all moving out in a spiral. Modern technology has allowed us to measure how fast, and in what direction this mass of stars are moving. However, instead of projecting this movement outward into the future, let us trace the path of our galaxy in the OPPOSITE direction, inward towards the distant past.

Traveling back far enough, we see our galaxy was once a giant ball of light. This point when our galaxy was connected together is then the specific time in history when everything in the galaxy was one entity. It is here - not only the spiritual, but the physical sense - that a true example of oneness, or unity, that nearly every school of spiritualism trys to explain actually existed!

If our galaxy originated from the same source, then all that is in it can said to be made of the same cosmic material (even though time has produced many different variations and arrangements of this material). For now let us oversimplify this material and call it "light". While the human physical body is indeed composed of physical matter, this too can be considered to be composed of light as well. The formula E=MC 2 suggests the physical body is but a piece of light which is not vibrating at the speed of light - since light particles that have deaccelerated from the speed of light are, in fact, matter (or physical material).

For experience to travel from one time to another by the same individual, unity is a necessary element, since both "sender" and "receiver "must be of the same entity. If the entire galaxy - past, present, and future - is composed of various forms of light that exist in unity, this then makes it possible for different electronic charges to "jump" from one place to another. In the same way the brain sends a signal almost instantaneously to any part of the body (since mind and body are united), spiritual signals can travel anywhere in the galaxy, or to other times, almost instantaneously as well, since these also exist in unity. Unity then, is the fundamental that allows for experiences to travel from one time to another.


One of the mysteries of deja-vu is the unexplainable role that time plays in the experience. Can the exact same experience occur in two different times? While deja-vu is difficult to describe using only the attributes of time that the mind understands, it becomes quite understandable when illustrated in the way that the spirit senses time. Besides vibrating at different frequencies, the heart, mind, and spirit also relate to time differently as well. As seen in evidence from physical science, the general rule is: the higher the level of consciousness, the larger amount of time that is able to be experienced and remembered.

For example, if one were to put a piece ice on their forehead for one second, the physical body will experience it for as long as it happens, one second. Higher up, the mental body can not only feel, but "relive" this experience as memory for as long as one is alive, (and we will follow the wish in the Polish birthday song, and say this is over 100 years). If the difference between the physical and mental body is held constant ( the proportion of 1 second to 100 years comes to about one second to 3,153,600,00 seconds), then the amount of experience the higher spiritual body remembers can be said to be hundreds of millions of lifetimes.

It is from our spiritual memory that we receive "signals" which appear to come from past experience, or as visions of the future. A deja-vu then, can be thought of as spiritual impulses from another time which we are only consciously aware of for a fraction of a second. According to the laws of energy; a deja-vu occurs when the spiritual vibration of an experience, person (or even oneself!) from another time, matches current spiritual vibrations of where one is at a present moment. An electronic impulse is then 'shot' across these two matching polarities, in much the same way an electric spark jumps between two live wires when they are close enough and of equal polarity.

External stimulus, light, and vibrational rates

In the same way a location, song, or smell can "trigger off" a certain memory in your mind, these stimuli can also effect the memories of your spirit as well. If the spiritual body has hundreds of lifetimes of "experience" in a certain place, then one can experience a feeling of "familiarity" with this physical area - even though the mind (which only has memories of the current life) has no recollection of ever being in the place before.

Therefore, whenever a deja-vu, or other spiritual feeling is experienced, note the elements surrounding you during this time. These can give insight as to what your spiritual side responds to, or in what space your spiritual body has traveled before. Research in this area shows that smell ranks number one in evoking spiritual memories and experiences within people. Small wonder then, that through the ages mystics, and many religions, have incense on hand for the ceremony.

It was also reported in case studies that some individuals caught a glimpse of spiritual energy just before or after the deja-vu experience occurred. This was described as the appearance of a small dot of light that appeared from nowhere, and just as it seemed to grow, it disappeared. This "light" usually appeared around the head of a person (when another individual was the catalyst for the event), or appeared above a certain area (when a place was thought to activate the experience).

It is suggested then, should one have a deja-vu experience occurring with a flash, or tiny dot of light also present (visual spiritual vibrations), one should concentrate on the point where the light appeared, or on the particular area of the individual where it was seen. While spiritual energy is difficult to "see" since it is vibrating so much faster than what mental consciousness can perceive, out perceptions of course can be developed. In the same way one squints their eyes in order to focus on something barely seen, a similar effort by the mind can lead to one being consciously aware their higher vibrations.

To get an idea of the different vibrational speeds of the body, mind, and spirit - try this exercise to compare the various speeds between your mind and body. Stand up with your hands stretched high above your head. Now touch your toes, knees, hips, shoulders and head as quick as you can. Maybe this took your physical body 1 or 2 seconds to do. Now realize that your mind can do this several times in 1/30 of a second when it sends electronic impulses through your body. By proportion, the spiritual body can even faster, for it vibrates the speed of light. This is one reason spiritual energy often appears to the observer as a light, or flash of light, even if it is only seen for a fraction of a second.

Why the mind is often bypassed

Except for those born with natural ability, communication between mind and spirit is often rare, unless one devotes time mentally concentrating on their higher self. For some, one or two hours a week in church is considered spiritual development - a very small proportion of time indeed, considering the spiritual body is one third of existence. For this reason, many recorded "spiritual communications" occur then between the spiritual and physical bodies, resulting in an experience that leaves one with a strong, "supernatural" feeling.

A mind constantly focused on lower material vibrations usually then is not "in tune" to receive spiritual signals. When a great amount of spiritual energy collects and is finally released, it usually then bypasses the mind and stimulates directly into the physical body. This is why a deja-vu, or any metaphysical or religious experience, usually have an intense 'feeling' that occurs with them. The mind is left with no understandable knowledge of what occurred, only that what happened is somehow 'important', or significant for some reason.

The following exercises can be used to develop the elements that activate a deja-vu experience:

Exercise 1

This can be done every conscious moment you are awake. It will not take a lot of mental activity, so it will not interfere with other chores the mind needs to do. As you remember, we described the spiritual body as being a light that surrounds the mental and spiritual bodies. Try to see this light. As you walk down the street, look at people not only as they appear (the physical plane), but also imagine seeing the spiritual energy that radiates from them. As with everything else in this world, the spiritual body is electronic in nature, with a positive and negative pole.

Remember in school when you put metal shavings around a magnet to see the magnetic field that surrounds it? Everything has such a field, from the tiny atom, animal, human being, to the planet itself. Spiritual energy operates with the properties of this field as well. Tell your mind you are trying to find the correct 'focus' for your eyes, so you can see this energy field around each person. Once your mind has found the correct frequency, you will be able to see the light that surrounds everyone. To a certain extent, some technology has already been developed to see such life force energy fields, such as Kirilian photography.

Exercise 2

While doing your normal meditations, travel back to the point in time when the entire galaxy was one massive ball of light. See yourself merging into this light so that you blend with all things in this galaxy at a time when it was one entity. This will not only match your vibrational pattern with the original cosmic material, but will also "anchor you" to the foremost starting point when experimenting with time traveling.

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