Myths and Rumors

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Myths are just that, myths...rumors...and lies. The common denominator in all of these words is that they all point to the opposite of the actual reality, i.e. the truth.

Many times, we hear rumors, myths and lies on television, in movies and newspapers or even in the form of gossip over a cup of coffee. If you are unfamiliar with Islam and Muslims, you may not realize that you have been misinformed.

Below are a few common myths about Islam, and the truth.

Women    |     Terrorism    |     Worship    |    Prayer    |    Racism     |    Arabs    |     Shiites & Sufis



Muslim women are oppressed and have no rights.

In fact, Muslim women are the only women in any religion granted specific rights to own property, inheritance and freedom of choice by God over 1400 years ago.
For example, women in America were forced to fight to gain the right to own their own property without their husbands signature. Only after fighting for many years they were able to gain this right. Women in India were not given this right until recently, in 1956. 
For more details regarding the rights of Muslim women, click here. top

Muslims are terrorists, and harm innocent people. In fact, Muslims are against terrorism in any form.
It is Haram, or forbidden to kill the elderly, women, children, animals or to even harm a tree; these are some of the specific rules which apply in during a war situation, let alone in peace times.
Anyone who commits an act of terrorism is guilty of violating the laws of Islam.
Muslims are taught to defend themselves and their families against oppression, such as in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Palestine.
This defense, however, does not include nor condone in any way any act of terrorism, harm toward innocent people or the destruction of
Muslims worship the Kabaa in Mecca. In fact, Muslims do not worship the Kabaa in Mecca, rather they turn to face the Kabaa in prayer as a form of unity, and to obey their Creator who ordered all Muslims to face in that direction for their daily prayers.
The Kabaa itself, which was first built by Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him), is actually an empty building. top
Muslims pray for God, because God needs their prayer. In fact, Muslims do not pray for God, rather to God.
God does not need our prayers, as He is Self-Sufficient and is not in need of anything.
Our prayers are for us, to remind us of God throughout our day. It aids us in remembering how we are to conduct ourselves and what is our ultimate goal, which is the Hereafter. top                                    
Islam is a religion only for African-Americans. In fact, Islam is for all mankind, irregardless of race, color or nationality.
However, The Nation of Islam does teach separation and racism. The followers of The Nation of Islam, are not Muslims because they worship a man, named W. Fard Muhammed, who they believe is Allah (which in Islam is shirk, or the biggest sin one can commit), and believe that a man named Elijah Muhammed was his prophet.
For more detailed information regarding the The Nation of Islam and other groups who often disguise themselves under the name Islam, click here. top

Most Muslims are Arabs.

In fact, Arabs are the minority in the Islamic world, making up only a small percentage of the world's Muslim population.
Muslims are from all nationalities, races and backgrounds.
In any masjid, or mosque, anywhere in the world you will find Muslims from many different countries joining together for their daily prayers. top

Shiite, Sufi and Sunni Muslims are all the same.

In fact, Shiite and Sufis do not follow the same beliefs and practices as do the majority of Muslims, which are the Sunni Muslims.
Sunni Muslims follow the Quran (the holy book of Islam) and the Sunnah (sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him) as practiced and understood by the early Muslims (the Sahaba, or Companions of the Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him). top


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