Michele's and John's World of Books and Cafe

Michele Phillips Future Bookstore Manager and John Crosby Future Assistant Bookstore Manager

Hi Everyone ! Welcome to our homepage ! Our names are Michele Phillips and John Crosby and we want to be a future Bookstore Owners and Managers a bookstore with a cafe. We will call it Michele's and John's World of Books and Cafe. If you have any comments and suggestions for our future Bookstore career or our homepage. Email us. I love the Atlanta Braves so I included this link to the Braves Official web site. The Braves will be the 1997 World Champions !!!! Go Braves !!!!!! (Michele's comment) We also included the bookstore industry resources National Association of College Stores' and the American Booksellers Association's web sites that may be helpful to other bookstore industry professionals. I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND JOHN CROSBY SO MUCH !!!!!!! He is the love of my life. If your are on our website John, I love you so very much and hugs and kisses Honey sweet love !!! (Michele's comment) Have a nice day from Michele and John ! Hello everyone..this is John here...well...what can I say? Michele and I are very much in love and she is the most important thing in the world to me. As Michele said we would greatly appreciate your comments and ideas about our web page and also ideas about our future bookshop and cafe. Right then thanks for visiting our web page and feel free to check out the links and come again! This is John signing off. bye! I love you Michele.

Links to other sites on the Web

My favorite team the Braves
National Association of College Stores
American Booksellers Association
John and Michele's Love

© 1997 mbookstore@hotmail.com

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