"It's Better to Burn Out Than Fade Away" by Rosanna
it's better to burn out
than fade away
your loud shouts
turn to words of pain
the music industry has took it's toll
when you're in a box in a 6 foot hole
your success killed you
like a double-edged sword
you wanted to be a rock star
it was your only dream
taught yourself to play guitar
and ruled the underground scence
everything began to change
when you signed your first record deal
the dream that seemed so far away
has suddenly become real
pressure to produce an album
media at your throat
soothe your nerves with mean rum
and let your mind float
in a world of no compassion
drugs and alcohol became your security
is this the life of a rock star
or a false sense of reality
club scenes are in the past
your concerts are at stadiums
ticket sales are moving fast
can't believe how far you've come
concerts are full of posers
wearing the latest trends
you sing with no emotion
your career is at an end
don't let me die in an automobile
i want to lie in an open field
don't let me die at your young age
but it's better to burn our than fade away
don't let me die the way you did
don't let me die the way you did
For Jim, Kurt, Shannon, Jimi, Janis...
your deaths were romantic
and from that romance came legends
you are alive within me
in my heart, my feelings, my words
and my music
it's better to burn out that fade away
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