*** SUE'S PAGE ***

(artist's depiction)

DISCLAIMER: this page, not having been updated in months, is now horribly out of date. Hopefully that will change sometime in the near future. Read at your own risk.

Hello and welcome to my page! As I'm sure you know, Rosanna and I met online a ways back, then started exchanging e-mail, and met in person, so I guess that means we're net-friends :)

I suppose I should post some sort of bio. But first: please don't try to typecast me, it can't be done. Unless of course you consider ECLECTIC and ECCENTRIC a type... Which is why I chose this background for my page. It's different and diverse; just like me.

I'm a vegetarian, liberal, open-minded, non-conformist, humanitarian, activist, and eclectic Pagan Witch, who detests all the negative -isms (sexism, ageism, "race"ism, conformism, etc), and believes in the validity of many paths and walks of life since it is my opinion that the beauty of the human race lies in it's diversity. I am always attempting to educate myself, and experience all things; I have an insatiable curiosity. Always willing to help, I enjoy life, love, and laughter. I am a feeling, free, feminine spirit. Magickal, musical, and mysterious, my interests are diverse, my personality is distinct, my friendship is devoted. But I am rough around the edges, I don't play by anyone's rules but my own. With fire in my blood, rage is a familiar friend, and depression my archenemy. Please disregard anything I've written here, language is terribly deceiving, and feel free to send e-mail if you'd like to get to know me, discuss controversial topics, vent anger, or just chat.

***Sue's Musings and News***

Some of my experiences, thoughts, commentary, etc to keep you interested and thinking. Check back often, I try to update every few weeks or so.

*** Sue Stats ***

Name: Susan aka Sue aka apocrypha

Age: 17

Hair: black turquoise

Eyes: depends on my mood, though they're usually either hazel or black

Keirsey Personality Type: INFJ

Birthday: May 12

Lives: in midwestern Ontario, Canada

Sign:Taurus with Sagittarius rising

Spirituality: Wicca/Witchcraft eclectic style, to say the least (Celtic Shaman? Goddess Worshipper? Gothic Witch? Village Wise Womyn? You decide! Practicioner of earth-oriented matri-focal spirituality?)

Favourites: blue, black, green, red (in that order); Ani Difranco, Moist, Rage Against the Machine, Loreena McKennit, Enigma, Smashing Pumpkins, Our Lady Peace, Tori Amos, Prodigy, Tuatara, The Tea Party, Fluke, Tricky, George Frederick Handel, King Cobb Steelie, Brutal Truth, En Vogue, Ashley MacIssac, Tom Jones, Tool, Moby, Spice Girls, soundtracks of all kinds, and most Celtic music (to name but a few in no particular order); anything vegetarian, pasta, pizza, stir-fry, fresh bread, mangos, blackforest cake; "X-Files" (but only the first 2½ seasons), "Ancient Mysteries", "The Pretender", "Xena: Warrior Princess", The Learning Channel, the Discovery channel, Muchmusic (not that I actually watch all these shows, I almost never watch TV, but when I do watch them, I like them); "The Fifth Element", "Ferngully", "Foxfire", "Benny and Joon", "Empire Records", "Fire in the Sky", "The Basketball Diaries", "Braveheart", any of the short animations by the Canadian Film Board; any book that has a good plot, and/or interesting characters, and/or some sort of message, and/or makes a person think (for example, GeekLove by ???, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Foxfire by Joyce Carol Oates, The Spiral Dance by Starhawk, Mary Stewart, Anne McCaffrey, George Orwell, Anne Rice, Margaret Atwood).

Interests and Likes (in no particular order): music of all kinds, activism, singing, people, alternative medicine, reading, writing, feminism, psychology, poetry, mythology, spirituality, stimulating the senses, emotion, the moon, anthropology, philosophy, fire, Canada, the internet, Paganism, staring up at the skies at night, learning, truth, contemplation, fantasy, realism, evolution, the Earth, tattoos, non-conformism, walking along beach at sunset, choices, rain, extraterrestrials, UFOs, the sun, individuality, diversity, getting up at sunrise, crop circles, going barefoot, candles, activism, nature, getting in touch with the child within (which includes Saturday morning cartoons, colouring, pinwheels, cherry bombs and video games), camping and hiking (especially on the Niagra escarpment), conspiracy theories, parapsychology, the occult, Goth, uniqueness, freedom, laughter, life, and love.

Dislikes (again in no particular order): conformism, ignorance, apathy, superficiality, the current "education" and "justice" (I use the terms loosely) systems in Canada (though I'm well aware that they're the best we have right now), close-minded and intolerant people, censorship, fundamentalism, violence, unfounded hatred, trends, greed, the goo that passes for entertainment today, materialism, propaganda, utter stupidity,the pathetic attitude of the general North American public.

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