Updates page
5 May 2000
Well, the update page is new so I guess that counts as an update ^_^. P.S. I'll make it all purdy later..I've run out of time today.
Other than that no really major updates. Just correcting some dead links, adding some new links and doing a little face lift on things here and there.
Since I don't have anything important to report but I feel like I should be saying *something* I guess I could take a minute to ask if anyone has an article they'd like to submit so I can put up a more meaningful update. As I'm sure everyone knows by now we've stopped putting up articles in a quarterly grimoire and will now just add them as we get them. So give us something to put up already *^_^*. E-mail them to the Editrix, Estara Korai at Estara2@earthlink.net.
Brightest Blessings!
16 Feb 2000:
Two new articles are up:
The Path of the Magician by Daven (2/15/2000)
Corpus Magi: The Body of the Magician by Raistlin Odhinnsdaughter (2/15/2000)
The Path of the Magician by Daven (2/15/2000)
One article fit into two different categories thus the double listing. More updates to
come soon!
Bright Blessings!
27 Jan 2000:
Merry Meet everyone!!
Today I have finished working on and uploading the first of a series of updates/remodels
to the Five Trees page.
As a lot of you know in the 12th issue of the Grimoire that came out last Lammas Estara
Korai and I made the announcement that we were no longer going to be putting out the
Grimoires on a quarterly basis and would be reworking the page and from that point on
begin putting the articles up as we get them and had the time. This idea also brought
about the idea to restructure the page so you can look up the existing articles and then
future articles by the topic matter that they covered. We also decided to leave the
previous Grimoires intact with the original table of contents to each as well so those of
you who have been with us for a while can just pick up with the new articles and go on.
Please take the time to take a look at it and see how you
like the new page. I have looked for any bugs I could but as always some like to hide from
me so there might be some I missed so please bear with me ^_^.
I will be working on the rest of the changes to the page as I have time to (my life's been
a little bit of a zoo but it looks like I finally have an end to the things I've been
dealing with so it should be very soon *yeah* ^_^).
Hope you all like it.
Bright Blessings!