Inclusion Now!

Special Education Advocacy

Inclusion Now!

is an advocacy group committed to educating all children together. We believe inclusion is not just a special education issue but an educational issue. Children without disabilities need to be educated along side their peers with disabilities just as much as children with disabilities need to be educated in the same environments as their peers without disabilities.

The group has been together since 1991, successfully advocating for and supporting children in inclusive settings. We originally came together due to the fact that other advocacy groups seemed determined to focus on making segregated settings better by increasing the services students received. We strongly felt that no matter how many or how often services were delivered that needs could not be met in special education classes.

Inclusion was the key to success and as the name Inclusion Now! suggests we felt we could not wait. Children grow older by the day. Inclusive environments are needed now!

The purpose of this site is to provide answers to questions regarding special education rights and strategies regarding education in the least restrictive environment. If you have questions, want help with strategies, need support or want to help support others around inclusion, this is the place to be.

If you are interested in settings that are not inclusive, we will provide you with information and refer you to other advocacy groups that can better meet your needs.

The geographic area we have chosen to work in is northern Illinois. The counties we have advocates located in are: Winnebago, Boone, Ogle, McHenry, DeKalb, Lee, Carroll, Whiteside, Stephenson and JoDavies.

Inclusion Now! is a regional center for Family T.I.E.S. Network, one of Illinois' four parent training and information centers. Family T.I.E.S. can be reached at 800-865-7842 - 830 S. Spring Street, Springfield, Illinois, 62704

The core group of advocates we have are parents of children receiving special education services or advocates who have represented scores of children receiving special education services. Many of us work in the human services field. We have experience in Early Intervention, Service Coordination, Child Development, Transition, Advocacy, Special Education Rights Training, Technical Assistance and Family Support. In addition to our own children we are educational surrogate parents for children who have the Department of Children and Family Services as their guardian.

We are available for families, educational surrogate parents and individuals who represent children with disabilities. Please feel free to contact us with your questions.

Upcoming Events

Holiday Get Together - December ?? - Rockford, IL - Call or e-mail for more information.

We're Looking For A Few Good Advocates!

Inclusion Now! will be conducting the third session of this year's advocacy mentoring series. On January 10, 1998 experienced professional-parent advocates will provide in depth training to others who are interested in learning how to be their own child's advocate and/or becoming volunteer advocates for other families. This all day workshop is an opportunity to learn about IEPs and IFSPs, Behavior Plans, transition as well as accessing services in general. Practical experiences, resources and successful strategies will be shared. Presenters for the day are Mitch Kremer and Rhonda Best.

If interested contact: Rhonda Best at 815-877-3493.

Take the time...

Links to other sites on the Web

Best Practices - New non-profit that helps to support Inclusion Now!
EDLAW, Inc. - Full text of IDEA, ADA, 504
Project CHOICES - Technical Assistance to School Districts
Inclusion Press
Axi s Disability Rights
Family Village

Still under construction - Isn't everything?

We are contemplating a frequently asked questions section. Let us know what questions you think should be here.

If you need to contact us by snail mail:

Inclusion Now! - 3104 Sunnyside Dr. - Rockford, Il. 61114


Together We're Better!

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