Papua New Guinea
Restrictive Telecommunications Policies. December 1997

A major drawback to development of the Internet here has been the policies regarding telecommunications.
In April 1997, Telikom announced ist service to the public and established an Internet gateway via Australia. It approached the university to acquire or simply take over the DNS (domaine name service) registration, but the administration flatly refused.
Nearly 40 companies have their own domain names, and there are toughly 1,000 Internet and e-mail users.
The government has kept quiet on the whole issue, mainly because little is known about what the Internet is and what potential impact it may have.
Several ministers and officials, however, have been briefed, and a proposal will soon be made to parliament by the Minister of Education to create a charging mechanism or a subsidy, so that the educational system in Papua New Guinea can benefit from the resources of the Internet.

Kamrooz Khademazad