Past Poll Results

Below are the results of past polls which have been conducted on our website.

April 2001-May 2001 - What do you think is the best solution to the school shooting sprees that have seemingly become a national epidemic?
a. Tighte gun control and more restrictions...........11%
b. Allow prayer back in the schools......22%
c. Tighter and more advanced security systems in place.....6%
d. Hold parents more accountable for their childrens actions.....9%
e. Reform our public school system......14%
f. All is hopeless, there is nothing we can do......0%
g. Form a federal or private organization/committee/agency to help find ways to eliminate the travesty....3%
h. Pray that God intervenes soon.....19%

February 2001-March 2001 - What kind of impact do you think President George W. Bush will make on the abortion issue?
a. He will make it illegal...........11%
b. He will take steps to at least minimize the use of it......22%
c. He will overturn partial birth abortions only.....7%
d. It's too sensitive of an issue, he will do nothing.....0%
e. He will only stop the flow of government funds to pro-abortion organizations......15%
f. He will enforce the 24 hr. waiting period......15%
g. He will pass a bill to allow for parental notification and consent of those that are under 18 yrs. of age....22%
h. It's not a political issue, nothing will happen.....7%

November 2000-January 2001 - Do you think God approves of and encourages Christians to own and use guns?
a. Yes, absolutely. It's a God given right.......43%
b. Yes, but only under certain circumstances.......21%
c. Yes, ONLY for self defense.........18%
d. No, never...........7%
e. Don't know..........7%

October 2000 - Do you think peace will ever be attained between the Jews and the Palestinians?
a. Yes - diplomatically.............. 0%
b. Yes - by war.............. 0%
c. Yes - only when Christ returns.............. 50%
d. Yes, but don't know how..................... 0%
e. No - never.............50%
e. Don't know............ 0%

May-September 2000 - When do you think it is ever appropriate for a woman to receive an abortion?
a. Only to save the life of the other unborn child .............. 3%
b. Only in the case of rape or incest ..................... 0%
c. Only if the mother may lose her own life................... 19%
d. Any of the above ..................... 16%
e. It doesn't concern me ................... 0%
f. I don't know enough about the issue to comment.................... 0%
g. Absolutely NEVER.............58%
h. Anytime she chooses.................. 3%

April 2000 - Do you think Christians should be actively and aggressively involved in politics?
a. Yes..... 66%
b. No ..... 34%

February 2000 - Who do you think has had the most impact (whether good or bad) in the world for over the past thousand years?
a. Johannes Gutenburg .............. 14%
b. Adolf Hitler ..................... 5%
c. Albert Einstein................... 0%
d. Jesus Christ..................... 77%
e. Martin Luther ................... 5%
f. Thomas Edison.................... 0%
g. Christopher Columbus .............13%
h. None of the above/Other.................. 0%

December 1999 - What do you think are the most important issues facing our country today?
a. Abortion ............. 15%
b. Morality/Spirituality ........... 25%
c. Gun Control/Violence ................... 12%
d. Taxes/Economy................... 10%
e. Drugs ................... 15%
f. Foreign Affairs/Foreign Issues .................... 10%
g. Immoral or Corrupt Government ..................... 13%
h. None of the above/Other.................. 0%

November 1999 - If the presidential elections were held today, who would you vote for?
a. George W. Bush, Jr.(R)............. 53%
b. Al Gore (D)........................ 11%
c. Steve Forbes (R)................... 5%
d. Bill Bradley (D)................... 0%
e. Pat Buchanan (R)................... 0%
f. John McCain (R).................... 26%
g. Gary Bauer (R)..................... 5%
h. None of the above.................. 0%

October 1999 - What do you believe has made the greatest and single most impact on the 20th century?
a. Television.......... 40%
b. Radio................0%
c. Automobile ........ 0%
d. Airplane ..............0%
e. Computers .............40%
f. Telephone .................10%
g. Medical technology/advancement ...... 0%
h. Other................10%

September 1999 - Who do you believe Christ died on the cross for?
a. Everyone, no matter if whether they believe or not........67%
b. Everyone, but only those that believe..................13%
c. Not everyone, only those that believe..................20%

August 1999 - How do you interpret the Bible?
a. All literal....................................................15%
b. Mostly literal, some figurative and symbolic ........ 62%
c. Mostly figurative and symbolic, some literal.............. 0%
d. All figurative and symbolic.............................15%
e. Unsure.....................................................8%

July 1999 - How do you honestly rate your prayer life?
a. Pray daily - true prayer warrior! ....................... 30%
b. Pray several times a week, but not daily. ........ 40%
c. Pray once a week at church service. ............... 10%
d. Seem to pray only in times of need. ............... 20%
e. Pray once in a great while. ............................. 0%
f. Never .............................................................. 0%

June 1999 - As a Christian, do you believe the Y2K issue should be of major concern?
a. Yes.... 36%
b. No..... 64%

May 1999 - Which Bible version do you prefer to read?
a. King James Version (KJV)............ 17%
b. New International Version (NIV)..... 58%
c. New American Standard (NASB)........ 0%
d. New King James Version (NKJV)....... 8%
e. Contemporary English Version (CEV).. 0%
f. Revised Standard Version (RSV)...... 8%
g. Other............................... 8%
h. No preference....................... 0%

April 1999 - What denomination do you typically associate yourself with?
a. Baptist ....................................................... 22%
b. Methodist .....................................................9%
c. Lutheran ...................................................... 0%
d. Presbyterian ................................................ 0%
e. Church of Christ ........................................... 9%
f. Assembly of God/Pentecostal ....................... 17%
g. Other ..........................................................17%
h. Non-Denominational .................................... 30%

March 1999 - On average, how often would you say you read your Bible?
a. Everyday ............... 45%
b. 2-5 times a week ....... 45%
c. Once a week ............ 9%
d. Once every two weeks ... 0%
e. On special occassions .. 0%
f. Never .................. 0%

February 1999 - At what age did you give your life to Christ?
a. 1-19 years ........ 53%
b. 20-30 years ....... 32%
c. 31-50 years ....... 16%
d. 51+ years ......... 0%

January 1999 - Do you consider yourself to be a "born-again" Christian?
a. Yes ...... 100%
b. No ....... 0%