elcome to amelot's nd

The Library

A place for alternate realities, philosophies, and lots of fun...

Follow the crystal ball to a world "beyond" our own...
Owl Lady's Magikal Garden

To The Family Room

Welcome, one and all. Take a tour, enjoy yourselves and remember...most castles have a secret passage or two, and this one is no different! Right now we have two other rooms to check out. The Library should be an easy one to find...it's the one with all the books! The Family Room is where we sit back and remember where and who we came from. Check out the free sites and learn a little history, and who knows what you might find on your travels...Thanks for coming!!!

Links to other sites on the Web

Alternative Realities in Art & Thought- set up by a real good buddy of mine and a GREAT site!!
American Co-Masonry- A great place to find out about Freemasonry, EVEN if you are female! A wonderful group of people too...
Castle Trash- Great graphics & things to build your home page (Like the ones here!)
Icon Bizaar - Absolutely phenominal!!! Tons of Graphics and Links
Leasha's Graphics & Links - Wonderful Alphabets & Graphics
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