The family room is for the gathering of family and friends. Like the symbol of the tree below my roots are tangled and hard to follow, and I would appreciate any help offered.

Link to Family Tree Maker's Free Online Genealogy Course

The family names that I am looking for are:
Amy (England to Ontario to Manitoba)
Bacon(Pentrich, England to Ontario & US- California)
Coulter(Ireland to Ontario to Saskatchwan to Alberta)
Gorrell (Ireland to Ontario)
Jackson(England to Ontario to Saskatchewan)
Powers(Canada & US- Seattle?)
Raglin(Pomerania to Ontario to Saskatchewan)
Sherris (England to Manitoba)

If you have one of those names and would like to see if we are related, send me an email and we'll try to link our family trees... You can also check out my other pages that list names etc. they are at My Family and the other is at The Coulter Powers Home Page

Links to my past...

Learn Scottish Gaelic!

Coulter's Message board- Coulter's around the world looking for family!

Learn about the Knights Templar, myths and facts...
The Celts & Saxons Homepage- Lots of good background information...

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