Website design HOT Did someone mention food??? Red Chili Pepper

Do you ever get hungry surfin' da Web? Me too!!

That's why I added this page!

long hot dog

Hershey Kiss OOOO--ooo chocolate!!

Chocolate Lovers!
Hershey Must See
Godiva! Truffle
(don't tell Godiva, but I prefer Sprungli (Swiss - or Sugar Bowl [Butler, PA] chocolates Visit them)

Hey! Does anyone love Cajun Food?? Turkey - Cajun Style
Lots of Cajun stuff!!

Now... for some semi-silly stufff...

Let's talk condiments! ;) Mayo falling!

Mayonnaise Hellman's   Send someone a cyber sandwich!

and of course--

The Anti-mayo Place!

Mustard gets two!
Check out the mustard place


Mustard jarMustard museum Try both and Enjoy!

Okay, this is only a Poem about pickles and the original one is GONE, but check it out!

BarBeQue! Steak!

I searched for a ketchup/catsup place and FINALLY found one! Catsup Bottle

Okay - now make someone else hungry!! Send a FOOD postcard!

Note: more to come! I've found some recipe sites too. Check my Cooking page! (Add a bookmark & check back!)

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