Unofficial EES Homepage

Unofficial Egyptian Exploration Society Homepage

by: Caitlin O'Dubhain

Lithograph by: David Roberts

Welcome to the EES homepage,

(To quote a friend "Don't you just love this cut and paste Java Script?")

If you haven't heard of this Society, you have now! If you want some history on it go here! I'd like to thank the nice people at Geocities. If you want a free hompage and e-mail go there. Hey, please take the time to sign my guestbook below! If you want one of those, just drop by Dreambook! Thanks for stopping by this homepage. I'll try to get it up and going within the next few weeks. If you want you can go to the Official EES Homepage. Now I know all this advertising stuff gets kinda boring but hey, these are really nice people.

Merry Part,
Caitlin O'Dubain

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

  • My other hompage is a nice little place called Loamhedge Abbey!
  • For those of you interested in Redwall go here!

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    © 1997 Caitlin O'Dubhain