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Welcome to DoSC's download site.
Hosted By iSiZ.

BTW: I'm now doing this site without a wysiwyg.
If you know of a free one, feel free to suggest it.


-_+ Comming Soon! -_+

A bunch of my programming stuff is coming.
When my other sites run out of Free Space, I'll put stuff here
My intro into HEX coding/reading was too good.
I can't give l33t stuff like that to j00 n00bz.

One more thing, I noticed that many of my visitors come here
searching for "Diablo2 Hacks". Sorry, but i don't have any.
Diablo2 isn't that great of a game, go get Tribes2 or reserve/buy an Xbox.
Oh yea and if youre looking for my l33t0 Planetarion stuff, you wont find it here. HAHAHA.


About these files, this site has files that are used on Battle.net, and none of them break *any* part of the licence agreement agreed to by battle.net users, so feel free to use them as you want. And yes some are hacks for mutluplayer, I do not condone or suport the use of these files, (Always fight fire with fire!)

These files are also old. I will clear out/update some time, only cuz i use this site to get stuff i use aswell.

If you have any questions for me about these files then don't come to me I didnt make them.

*FULL* Map Hack(v1.07) And yes, it works on Battle.net(w/o disc)
The least you could do is vote for me. Ya know there was no hassel or popups.

Protect Your Made Maps Doesn't work for BroodWars maps.

Ascii Bot(best bot arround) Note: Dont ask me for my cfg file or how to work this bot, i just dont have time.

A Wingate Scaner wo0

Wolf Bot(still kinda cool)

A StarCraft Game Server

CIH virus remover(run in ms dos)

A nice Diablo2 Sreen Saver Kinda cool for those of us waiting for Diablo2

B.net buddy thing Note: Uh well, i never installed it so dont ask me

Generates CD Keys BLaH

Battle.net Optimizer Note: B.net says constant pinging of the servers can cause them to split, so dont use it too much

PHAT WinAmp Skin! I'm not joking its the BOMB, only those that know about winamp can understand the sweetness of this skin.(you got a better one? e-mail me)

Game Hack loader/maker Note: This will not make the hack for you, this edits the games api programing allowing you to cheat you must understand hexing and assembly.

But please if you have any files you would like put up here you can send them to me, and ill mark it that you sent it to me.(Contact me ill give you my icq, and i will not accept bots other then the ones *I* request on this page!)

E-mail Me(No BS)

September 03, 2001

Eh. Summer is over, been playing Counter-Strike and Planetaroin... That is all.

NOTE: I am a part of the Starcraft200 only to serve you! I dont force you do vote or beg for votes because i dont care. But if you would like to see more and more files here i will need more people to see my site, and if im at the top of the SC200 i will get more ppl to stop by. Therefore vote for me so more ppl will see my site and there can be more and more files here.