
Heavenly Spirit:
Let me know you're always there to defend me.
I have no need to fear what others think or say about me
because you will always love me and love is the only defense I need.
Help me extend that love to others and not turn my back on the defenseless.
Don't let my desire for safety keep me from taking risks
to defend others in the cause of justice.
Remind me that I am my brother's keeper
and don't let me turn my back on my brother
because he's different from me or seeks to harm me.
Let me not use the shield of your love to hide behind.
Rather let me go forth in complete confidence to aid others,
secure in the knowledge that your shield of love surrounds me
and I am safe from any danger from without.
Let me realize people who are fearful or in pain
are those most likely to strike out at me.
Help me remember those who have no defense will be on the offensive.
Let me not hesitate to show them the strength of your love
and to shield them so their fear and pain may be erased
and they too may find safety in your loving embrace.


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