The New Zealand Norsemen - Viking Age Re-enactment

The New Zealand Norsemen are a Viking Age Re-enactment group. We cater exclusively for those that are interested in all aspects of the Viking Age. We foster skills such as Blacksmithing - Weapon & Armourmaking, Sword, Axe & Spear Fighting med Scild, Tailoring, Glima Wrestling, Atheletic Events such as Hammerthrow, Poetry, Language Acquistition - Svensk, Dansktongue, Nynorsk, Old Norse, Icelandic, Traditional Cooking - Sillsalad, Gravlax, Surstromming, Spettekaka, Historical Analysis of the Viking age and associated history, Brewing, Runes and Ásatrú the Modern echo of the ancient Heathen religion of Northern Europe.

We are hosting the National Ancient And Medieval Arts (N.A.A.M.A) Conference in late October. If you want to come please email me and I will send you the relevant information.

May the Valfather bring you Victory!

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