~~~~~~~~~~{ Eric Dalton _______________
My Personal Pages:
JD Now!
A John Denver Page
What's the Correct time?
The Dalton Difference
About Me
My Vital Stats
My Hotlinks!
My Family!
Care to meet them?
[My Picture!]


My name is Eric Lee Dalton. You may know me as Voorlaaa, Sponge,Gary, Tribbin, Skarn, Fluffy, Ericles, Cixelsid, or even The Stone Cold Squirrel. The picture at the left is a facial of my High School Graduation photo taken circa 11/92. Just so you don't get any good ideas of what I look like now. UPDATE! Click on the picture to see a more recent picture of me. Feel free to browse. Hope you are content with my content!

Homepage provided by the wonderful people at: Geocities!

I am an alumi of Lock Haven University, class of 1998. I have my BS in Business Management although my major focus was Computers. (Computer geek at your service!). I spent 2 years as a Computer Information Science major, but changed in the interest of graduating, and because all my major offered me was programming, and I just think there is more to it than that. I am originally (and occasionally) from Reading, PA. Wanna see exactly where? Click HERE! I am now residing in Neptune City, NJ. For literally TONS of info on me, click on the 'vital stats' icon above. Although I'm not currently in the job market, employers will want to see my Resume below as well.


Nongraphical Browser?!
Click HERE to see my picture!

Got a slick connection?
Stick an ear to my greeting
Sound Byte
(82 K au format)
Click To See My Resume!
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