Awesome Christian Sites Helping God's covenant children build upon the Rock...

Last Updated: August 30th, 1999


Why we are here...

In a time when, even among those who name the name of Christ, every man does what is right in his own eyes-- it is necessary to again draw the people of God back to a firm foundation. 360 years ago men and women of God were willing to be burned alive rather than compromise a principle know as "Sola Scriptura." Today, the Church is plundered by men and women who claim not only to speak for God almighty, but would have us believe that they are transmitting new revelations from God. In this spiritually tumultuous time, it is with grateful, prayerful hearts, that we dedicate this Institute to the shoring up of our crumbling theological foundations. May God grant that we in some small way assist those who hunger and thirst for His righteousness.


Put on your thinking cap and dive in.... or, at least wade in...

(More great foundational articles are on the way! Soon to come: "FIVE FOUNDATIONS")


inquisitive folks have recently visited the Institute. 

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