La Cocina Española

por doña Bradshaw

Welcome to the Flavors of Spain, an opportunity to put to practice your knowledge of Spanish by following these basic Spanish recipes. I hope you will enjoy preparing and serving these wonderful meals …….. ¡Vamos a empezar!

You will have the option to select either Tapas or Postres. Before you decide which recipe to try, lets explore what each offers.

Tapas are a Spanish invention and a unique way to sample many different dishes. These dishes are usually saucer-sized portions of tidbits that are eaten at all times of the day and night.

Postres are desserts. You will note that there is a variety of fruit and custard type desserts. Spaniards do prepare cakes and cookies, but they are usually not as sweet and chewy as the American versions.

Please check the vocabulario for translations and the bibliografía for references.

Now that you have decided what to cook …..¡vamos a las selecciones!

Tapas Postres
Bibliografía Más cocina española

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