West Los Angeles College
Spring 1998
M-W 12:30-2 pm
section 1214
schedule of topics
Phone: (310) 287-4234
email: finks@laccd.edu
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Course Description: This is a course in general biology designed to fulfill a laboratory science requirement and will also provide a foundation for advanced courses in biology, including human anatomy, physiology, and microbiology. The lecture portion of the course emphasizes the basic principles in biology, cell structure and function, and the levels of organization in the human body. Lecture topics include the scientific method, an introduction to biological chemistry, heredity, evolution, the genetic control of cellular processes, ecology, and the organ systems of the body.

The laboratory portion of the course includes an introduction to the microscope, detailed study of cells and tissues, a survey of the microorganisms, plants, and animals that comprise the 5 Kingdoms of life, and a detailed dissection and study of the fetal pig.

Course Objectives: The general goals of the Biology Lecture will be to provide an understanding of:

(1) the scientific method, its applications & limitations
(2) the principal characteristics of living organisms
(3) the levels of organization of matter, from atoms to biomes
(4) the mechanisms of evolutionary adaptation
(5) the principal categories of chemicals that both make-up living organisms
(6) the production of energy by cells and how it is used
(7) interrelationships of organisms with each other and the environment
(8) how cells reproduce and how organisms reproduce
(9) the inheritance & transmission of different genetic traits
(10) the structure & action of genes
(11) the structure & function of the different organ systems in the body

Required & Recommended Books:

S.A. Fink; Biology Lecture Outline ; Biobooks Pub.; 1997
Davis, Solomon & Berg; The World of Biology ; Saunders Publishing; 1995 (5th ed)
Davis, Solomon & Berg; Study Guide for The World of Biology ; Saunders

Lecture Examination Schedule (Tentative):

EXAMINATION I....................................................... FEBRUARY 4 (Wed)
EXAMINATION II...................................................... MARCH 2 (Wed)
EXAMINATION III..................................................... APRIL 8 (Wed)

FINAL EXAMINATION............................................. MAY 18 (Mon; 11-12:30 PM)

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