Springall Family

I have researched the Springle/Springall line back to William Springall, born ca. 1772, in Norwich, Norfolk, England. William was married to Margeret, born ca. 1792, in Attleborough, Norfolk, England. William was in the army, and was discharged 6 March 1816, age 44, and gives his place of birth as St. Stephen's, Norfolk.

There are problems finding William's parents. There is a christening for a William Springall, son of William and Elizabeth Springall on 18 March 1781 in St. Stephen's, Norwich, Norfolk, but there is no note that this is for an older child. If this is an infant, William would be 14 on enlistment, rather than 24, the age William gave on enlistment.

During the Civil War, many Springalls were Quakers. If William's parents were Quakers, (or Nonconformists) there would be no record of his christening in the Church of England records.

Names include: Springle, Springall, Engledon, Sculpher, Clarke.

Descendants of William Springall

Tony's List of Springalls

The bulk of these extractions have been done by Tony Springall. Thanks very much, Tony.

Springall Extractions - Early

Springall Extractions - 1700s

Springall Extractions - 1800s

Marriage License Bonds - Springall

Springall/Springle Strays in Ontario

Norfolk Surnames List

I would appreciate hearing from you if you are searching any of the same surnames.

You may e-mail me at: BevWeston@netscape.net

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