Oak's Witchcraft

Merry Meet!

And if it harm none , do as thou wilt!

Welcome to my home page!Allow me to introduce myself.My name (as i'm sure you have gathered) is Oak ,and this page is devoted to my religion.Namely witchcraft.I could also be described as Wiccan,but as i follow no particular denomination i feel more comfortable with the term Witch.I live in Nottingham England,and am a member of a smaal coven there.If anyone reading this is in near vicinity to us, i would be overjoyed to here from you,as we have little contact with nearby covens.I will be adding to this page (how many times do you hear that on the net?!) - no really i will!Soon too!So please visit again at a later date.I will be including my Book of Shadows,some of my favourite spells, and more about the 'tradition' of my own that i follow.Just to tantalise your taste buds (i wish!) here are a few of my basic beliefs.Firstly i worship a God and a Godess,i give them no further name than that,no name that i have found yet adequatly sums them up for me.I see the God and Godess as personifications of a life force which is inherent in all life,a collective conciousness.However they are very real,and despite my newness to the Craft i feel honoured to be able to regulaly commune with them during worship and meditation.The God and Godess are not seperate from us though,as above so below.I also believe in total democracy within a coven all are priests/priestesses and all are equal within a group,there are no proscribed places to create feelings of isolation or inadequacy for those who may be 'lower' in the hierarchy.Thankyou for reading my babble, feel free to e-mail me.


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