
Some Spells
This spell is a great friendship spell,and helped to bond the members of my coven together tremeandously.Each member of the group must bring an offering to the rest of the group.You will also need 1 large pink candle and as many small candles as there are participants.Everyone lights their candle and when all are lit together you light the big pink candle which should be placed in a convienient spot on the altar.In turn everyone gives their gift to the group,and explains why they have chosen it.This is a simple sharing experience which can give a new insight into the people with whom you worship.It creates a great energy despite it's simplicity.Keep the pink candle as a reminder of your friendship.

Here's another simple and fun spell.The aim of this one is to achieve a goal or wish.Each coven member writes their goal on a scrap of paper(there is no need to tell everyone else).The first 'volunteer' is then blindfolded an spun around widdershins(to represent undoing of the past failed attempys or doubts of acheiving the goal).Another coven member pins the scrap of paper somewhere nearby.The aim is to find the scrap of paper and visualise achieving your goal.The other coven members may give clues or hot/cold directions to help ,(after all we are not alone in our real life struggles!).When your find your goal burn it in candle flame (it is wise to have a dish prepared to put the paper in),and let the fire and air carry the to magic empower your life.When trying to acheive the goal,remeber your success during the spell.

This spell is for protection and for quashing negative magical energies directed against you.I have only recently hed to use this spell ,as a group of idiot Satanists were using magic like they ruled the World.However despite my disdain for those that this spell is directed 'against',this does not damage anyone,but merely nullifies any negative energies created by the group.Hopefully one day such people will learn that ultimately they only harm themselves.Anyway i digress...Take a single black candle.This represents the force that would harm others.Light it and invisage it gloating in it's own strength.Blow it out.This shows absolutly no respect for it and shows that those that we ally ourselves with are more powerful than any 'curse' that they could perform.Repeat this to represent their efforts repeated.Quash them again until you feel completely happy that you are superior to such folly and inin no way can be harmed by them.If it helps imagine a force field around you that cannot be penetrated by negative energy.Then take a jar.Fill the jar with sharp objects such as needles,and anything that reminds you of malice.Place the jar near the door to your house,or about your person.This talisman will suck up any negative energy directed against you or those that you protect.When you feel that the jar is full of negative energies, throw it in the rubbish and banish it forever.(For those who are especially enviromentally concious substitute a cardboard box for the jar and say splinters of wood for the needles)Make another jar if you feel it is needed.Such people cannot harm those who are pure of heart and ask for the protection of the God and Goddess.

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