Books on Taoism

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The major Tao philosophy compilation The Tao (dow) Te (de or day) Ching (jing):

Chuang Tzu, the other major Taoist writer:
  • The Way of Chuang Tzu List: $6.00
    • This book is a compilation of the various translations of the stories and anecdotes written by Chuang Tzu some 2,500 years ago in China. The link above is to the pocket edition, for the full size version click here List: $7.95
An introduction for those of you new to Tao.
  • The Tao of Pooh List: $11.95
    • A cute presentaion of Taoism with Winnie the Pooh as the Taoist.
  • cover The Te of Piglet List: $11.95
    • A companion book to the Tao of Pooh.

Other Tao related books.
  • The Art of War New Translation by Ralph D. Sawyer
    • This book is considered out of print but if you request it will look for a copy and then ask if you wish to purchase it. They do not guarantee theat a copy will be found or what condition it'll be in. I'll work on putting an alternative title up soon.
      • You are probably wondering what this is about... well The Art of War by Sun-tzu is essentially a guide on how to wage war and win. The main thought is that war is for PEACE only. Also the tactics and such are based on various Taoist principles. This makes for very interesting reading.
  • I Ching: The book of Changes
    • Another out of print book. (see above, and I will find a more recent copy, mine is just from a used book store) Anyway this one deals mainly with divination (predicting the future) using various arrangements of six sticks. Three for Yin and three for Yang. I personally haven't read this very much but it is a part of Taoism. (for some people)

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